Mystery hangs over 4 percent increase on electricity tarrif
June 22, 2022
Owen Khamula - Nyasa Times 3 Comments
There is confusion over the announcement that electricity tarrifs have gone up by four per cent as theMalawi Energy Regulatory Authority -(Mera) says it has not yet given Escom the go ahead to effect the new tarrifs.
Fitina Khonje, PRO
Mera spokesperson Fitina Khonje said last week the energy regulator issued a report on its activities from March 2021 to March which indicated that the country was supposed to have a 10 percent base tarrif adjustment based on the performance and against key indicators Mera had agreed on with Escom.
Khonje said after conducting an assessment, the board of Mera agreed that Escom did not qualify for a 10 percent but 4 percent electricity tarrif adjustment.
She however said a decision is yet to be made if whether the 4 percent electricity adjustment can be effected and when.
“At the moment the tarrif remains the same and that discussion was done last year, since then the tarrif has not been adjusted,” she said.
Zi ma black out Siku lonse
Don’t be fooled, 4% is coming in the next few days
tough bwana