Mzuzu University Calculus 1201 exam paper leaks, investigations underway
An examination leakage scandal has once again hit Mzuzu University with Calculus 1201 paper said to have massively leaked.

The northern region-based university started administering end of semester examinations last Friday,19th March, 2021, with first year students starting their exams with Calculus 1201 paper.
According to reliable sources, the paper leaked a day before.
“It’s déjà vu, yet again, Chief. The paper leaked to some Education and Water Resource Management students.
“In an act of benevolence, some students shared and discussed the paper overnight and those who learnt of the overnight skullduggery, after the fact, spilled the beans,” said our highly placed source whose version was corroborated by other equally reliable sources, all these sources speaking on very strict condition of anonymity, taking into account the sensitivity of the issue.
Meanwhile, pro-fairness lecturers in the Mathematics department are taking the allegations very seriously and have since instituted an investigation where they are encouraging students to bring forth their evidence for them to present to management for an informed decision to be made over the matter.
Efforts to talk to Mzuni Registrar Yonamu Ngwira proved futile as his line went an answered.
Not long ago, Mzuni made headlines for similar allegations. Then, the leakage was Chemistry 1101. After similar investigations as the mathematics department have instituted, the paper ended up being cancelled and a new paper was ordered by management to be administered.
It has been learnt that leakages, some which go unnoticed, of examination papers at Mzuzu University are a common occurance and according to our sources, the problem, they claim, is attributed to some promiscuous Lecturers who deliberately leak papers in exchange for sexual favours from the vulnerable young and tender girls with management always being on the defensive to secure the institution’s reputation but without addressing such examination security lapses which give birth to such scandals.
Before closure of schools due to the second wave of Covid-19, Mzuzu University made headlines for sex for grades scandal where the investigative report revealed that some Lecturers at the institution are in the habit of sexually brutalizing female students in exchange for grades.
A senior university official and students were quoted confirming the findings of the report.
However, University Registrar Yonamu Ngwira was quoted saying that what the senior official had said was not the official position of the University.
He said that the University had since instituted an enquiry to look into the complaints.
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This tumbuka university of Mzuzu whose lectures are all tumbukas stinks all the time. Examination leakage is the order of the day. Apparently tumbuka lectures leak these exams deliberately to help wakwithu students. The old “Mzuzu corner” tricks of Chanco are hard to die. So too MANEB should supervise northern Region school vigilantly during MSCE, JCE and PSLC Examinations because tumbuka invigilators have a habit of assisting candidates during national Examinations. The wakwithu disease is so deep-rooted. In employment circles ndiye eish zamanyazi….akungolembana ntchito atumbuka okhaokha coz the HR is mu hinya. Mtundu onyansa opanda khalidwe uwu.
It is said that mzuni provides high quality education but ironically they are doing opposite now. How can you feel to here that your graduate students are failing to exercise skills they were acquiring at college. Shame to you guys. This is not the first time to happen at mzuni,,, change.
Tumbuka habit, it’s the whole reason they used to excel and enrol in secondary and universities en masse and old habits die hard…Now that National exams are no longer leaked or cheated with the help of teachers and their schools, the tables have turned and the odds are against them that pupils from Phalombe are outshining the Tumbukas, let’s keep watch before they devise another way of cheating and this is one of the new ways in the university apart from Mzuzu corner near Cafe B, Nyasaland, Chirunga campus….
Very few students at mzuni are from the north. Very few northerners go to university these days even if they score highly at MSCE. You know what quota system has done to them.
At your age you still believe that.Its because after you completed school through quota system you thought you will be offered another quota system at work, no boy the struggle is real, compete if you can else start all over at form form
It’s pathetic story the institution that is supposed to provide quality Education ironically its under that situation.