National Liberation Party (NLP) writes Chakwera demanding he brings back home all the youths working in Israel farms

The National Liberation Party (NLP) President Isaiah Emmanuel Sunganimoyo, has written an open letter to President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and his cabinet Ministers to bring back Malawians who are working in the farms in Israel saying he sees soon, Malawian youths will face terrible situations in Israel.

NLP President: Gunde


Sunganimoyo says Malawi will become a nation of sorrow and tears claiming that losing thousands of abled youths at once will be a terrible loss to the nation and President Chakwera’s led administration will be labelled as the evil one ever and forever.



He says this is an avoidable situation that before it is too late, Malawians in Israel must come back home for their safety saying it is better losing whatever the country is expecting to get from Israel than losing the builders of the country.



“President Chakwera love your people and love your country, with prayers to our Malawian brothers and sisters who are in Israel,” reads the open letter in part.



Sunganimoyo’s call to bring back Malawian youths working in Israel has come at a time when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has issued threats that he is coming to Africa to liberate African countries from bondage.



Netanyahu’s threats are in response to South Africa for reporting him and other Hamas leaders of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for committing various crimes against humanity. in the Gaza City.



Since October, 2023 after the massacre of Israeli people, Israeli Army has been in a bloody war with the Palestinians backed by a terrorist militant group, Hamas and this war has claimed thousands of innocent civilians in the Gaza City.



The cordial relationship between Malawi and Israel dates back to 1963 when a group of 30 Malawi Young Pioneers (MYP) were sent to that country to learn commercial Agriculture and by the time they came back home, they were the architects of Agriculture in Malawi.


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