NCIC to launch Infrastructure Analytic Dashboard

National Construction Industry Council of Malawi (NCIC) under CoST program will tomorrow 3rd May, 2024 launch Infrastructure Analytic Dashboard a tool which easily facilities understanding of the disclosed infrastructure data for easy decision making by stakeholders in the construction industry.

Speaking at a press briefing ahead of the launch which will take place at Capital hotel in Lilongwe, NCIC Chief Executive Officer Engineer Gerald Khonje said information on infrastructure projects comes in huge volumes that is why CoST Malawi is working hard in coming up with different innovations as in few years back they come in with another innovation called Information Platform or Public Infrastructure (IPPI).

“Recently, the CoST Program, with support from the European Union, enhanced the disclosure portal to an extent that in November, 2023 it got international accreditation as a publisher of infrastructure data standard, becoming only 3rd in Africa yo achieve that status,” Khonje said in a statement.

He further said since then, His Excellence President Lazuras Chakwera who is the champion of the CoST program in Malawi made a directive MDAs to upload information to the portal because as in his words he said; “Malawians deserve to know the progress of various infrastructure projects,” and since this directive was made, NCIC has witnessed alot of MDAs uploading information on the portal as it now stands at 700 project.

CoST as a program has four approaches which include; disclosure of information on infrastructure development, Multi-stakeholder working, social accountability as well as assurance.

Infrastructure Analytic Dashboard is supported by Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

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