Netball Association of Malawi for 2 veeps

The Netball Association of Malawi (NAM) intends to have two vice presidents with clear roles for each under the president.

Khunge Matiya (c): We want to propose to amend the constitution to have two VPs

NAM president, Khungikile Matiya, told a local radio station that the executive intends to propose an amendment to the association’s constitution to allow for the two vice presidents as is the case in neighbouring countries.

Matiya said one vice president will be responsible for administration while the other will be responsible for technical aspects of the game.

“We want to propose to amend the constitution to have two VPs. One for administration and another for technical.

“The VP for adminstration will be in charge of the secretariat, events and marketing. The other VP will be solely for technical issues,” Matiya explained.

NAM is yet to call its affiliates to a meeting where the amendment can be made.

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Osaopa III
4 years ago

Actually NAM needs a 2nd Vice President for operations. Beside the 2 Vice Presidents.

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