New 5000 capacity entertainment center to be opened in Zomba
A new 5000 capacity entertainment center, Coolpro Entertainment is expected to be launched in the old capital of Malawi, Zomba district next month.

The center, according to Coolpro Entertainment Manager Duffy Chikakuda, will be launched on April 28 with a Reggae Festival.
Chikakuda said Coolpro entertainment is a new spot which will give a new dimension in terms of entertainment to the people of Zomba and surrounding areas.
“Zomba has been famous for entertainment but most people couldn’t afford to travel long distances just to watch their favourite artists perform. This centre is at the heart of zomba and liwonde giving the opportunity to those who can travel by kabaza, minbus to come to the shows to get entertained,” said Chakakuda.
He also added that the passion to develop the center came about because he wanted to give tbe people of zomba some options when it comes to entertainment.
“Yes,” said Chikakuda, *this place is going to resurrect entertainment in zomba for we will be organising high profile shows almost every month and the price will be fair.”
On the launch itself, Chikakuda promises fireworks.
“There will be fire works because Entertainers Promotions will mount their state of the art 55000 watts equipment and the lighting will be out of this world,” said Chikakuda adding that the show will also have some sponsorship from renowned entertainment promoters in country Jai and Tondeai Banda.
Among those to perform during the launch are The Black Missionaries, Mr cool Anthony Makondetsa, Queen Fyah, Beanca, Sulu, Don Tarz, Goodwell Thunga, Lizbk, Nhyanhingi Chanting band, Khuza Ramphi, Monk Dali, Keyman Noah, GL and Tamia.
Big Up Duffy son of Malosa Zomba…koma article sikunena kuti ilipati pati..
About time. Tiyeni komko
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