New rubble of plunder at State House: K65m spent on bogus accommodation at Crossroads Hotel

There is a new rubble of a systematic looting of public money right from State House in cohort with  Crossroads Hotel in the Capital Lilongwe which has so far seen the tax payer defrauded K65 million in bogus accommodation charges .

Kapondamgaga: State House chief of staff in new rubble of corruption

President Lazarus Chakwera came to power less than five months ago–promising so many good things including ending theft of public resources and corruption.

But it has been exposed within the State House the gruesome theft by the new administration and at the center of the whole scheme are State House Chief of Staff Prince Kapondangaga and Director of Finance Gedion Kalumbu who have connived with one Kiza Aziz Elias–who is posing as an agent hosting three “Israeli security agents” at Crossroads Hotel at the expense of the  tax payer.

The Israelis, reveals the source, are purportedly in the country to train Malawi Police Service (MPs) Malawi Defense Force (MDF), National Intelligence Service (NIS) and President  Chakwera’s private security detail some finer details for Very Important Persons (VIP) close protection in order to defend the new president.

The Jerusalem security experts have also been to Zimbabwe to train the State operatives.

Kiza Aziz Elias–whom the information we have also described as Miguel Elias, has his particulars as follows; born 1st of January 1972, trading as Chitundu Distributers, P O Box 1766, Blantyre.

He has been lodging at Crossroads Hotel with the said “Israelis” from the 5th of July 2020.

“The other room is booked in the name of Mr Zora who is a fictitious and non-existence person because Zora is the name of Mr Miguel Elias child in Blantyre.

“The other occupant is Mr Mitha who happens to be Elias mother’s brother, but is nowhere near Crossroads Hotel. And the third person is Mr Eugenia Molera who happens to be the maiden name of his wife. In short, Mr Eugenia Molera does not exist, he is a bogus character,” states in part the information we have.

The source then goes on to reveal that State House is paying a whopping 300 US Dollars, an equivalent of MK240, 000 per room when the real price of a room at Crossroads is at MK77, 000.

“State House is paying for such dubious expenses meaning taxpayers are parting away with $ 1,200 or MK960, 000 per night for the four rooms. The whole thing is a hoax as it is a money-spinning venture for Kapondangaga and Kalumbu who have connived with Kiza Aziz Elias to externalize forex using the hotel hence the decision to charge the rooms in dollars and hike the price by over 300 percent to make quick money,” reveals the source.

According to the information we have, State House has so far spent MK65 million kwacha on these bogus accommodation payments.

“Every week, such invoices are raised and State House parts away with close to MK6.2m and this amount is thus paid in cash to Mr Miguel Elias. Other than the above, every week State House has to part away with close to MK5.1 million meant for car rentals and stipend for per diem.

“From July 5, the proposed training has been shifting goal posts that have not had any bearing on the tax payers’ money. As a consequence of this, Mr Kiza Elias has bought a Range Rover registration number BW9991 at a cost of MK25m. In addition, he bought another Land Cruiser, brown in colour, and a speed boat, all which are being kept at Crossroads Hotel,” said our source.

Kapondangaga, a former Farmers Union of Malawi Chief Executive Officer, is reportedly masterminding all this behind the knowledge of President Lazarus Chakwera.

Meanwhile, Nyasa Times has also learnt that State House bought 14 laptops at MK4 million each from a company known as Roehampton Barnes in Lilongwe’s Central Business District. We will provide more details on this later.

Kampondamgaga could not immediately comment.

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4 years ago

Nyasatimes. Hahaha what evidence do you have on this. Too much akuti eeeh akuti no no no mwayambapo yanu ija? You could have brought up the invoices to back you up not this trash.

4 years ago

Why is some font brighter than others on the invoices? Zokhulupilira mabulutu anzanu izi

4 years ago
Reply to  Mwatha

It seems you are not an expert in fonts.

Vitumbuka Nivichi
4 years ago

Mbuzi kutafuna pomwe ayimangilira.

Angoni apaphata
Angoni apaphata
4 years ago

Anzawo term yoyamba amagwira ntchito. Yachiwiri kuba. Iwowa kunvoyambiratu uve okhaokha

4 years ago

Koma Tonse Government! Ayayaya, kati upite uku ukungova kuti K65 Million yabedwa through Xroads accommodation, ukati ulowere uku ungova kuti deal yama Ambulance aku Health ndalama zankhani nkhani zabedwa. Koma utsogoleri waku Malawi, eeeeish waumve ndipo opanda u Mulungu.

4 years ago

What is the explanation and response from the president to all this?

4 years ago
Reply to  Mdala


Ku lumbadzi
Ku lumbadzi
4 years ago

Did i vote for this? Lord Almighty Allah help us.

4 years ago

My brothers MCP is in power.. it is our turn to eat.

4 years ago

Chakwera’s regime slowly turning into the worst Malawi has ever had. The problem is surrounding himself with thieves. He needs to send a strong message against corruption by prosecuting Joyce Banda for the plane. That’s the strongest message he can send.

4 years ago

This is pure theft.Arrest these pigs

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