New shake-up at Malawi army: Mutharika appoints new commander for landed forces

President Peter Mutharika  in his capacity as Commander-in-chief of Malawi Defence Force (MDF)  has made changes to his appointments to a Tri-Service Commanders of MDF  replacing Major General Alick Bentry Mhone as Army Commander ( Landed Forces) with his deputy Davis Sesatino Mtachi.

General Nundwe: Overall in charge of MDF

MDF spokesperson Major Paul Chiphwanya  confirmed the development saying Mtachi has also been promoted from Brigadier General to Major General.

“As of last week there are some changes Bridagder  General Mtachi was promoted  to Major General and Army Commander ( Landed Forces),” Chiphwanya said on Times Radio.

No reasons were given for the removal of Mhone.

But Chiphwana said Major General Bentry Mhone  remains chief of policy and plans at MDC.

He said Mtachi’s deputy is now Elias Mpaso.

The President also  appointed Major General Andrew Lapken Namathanga as Airforce Commander while  Deputy Airforce Commander is Brigadier General Ian MacLeod Chirwa.

Brigadier General Francis Blessings Kakhuta Banda  was appointed Maritime Force Commander with Colonel Richard Tobias Chagonapanja as  Deputy Maritime Force Commander.

The  Commander of MDF remains General Vincent Nundwe with Lieutenant General Clement Namangale as Deputy Commander.

Meanwhile, Nundwe has since said the appointment of  the Tri-Service Commanders of MDF is in line with Section 4 of the Defence Force Act (2018).

General Nundwe said  considering that MDF has soldiers operating on land, air and marine, there was need for special commanders for easy progress of work.

“Malawi has been following the old system but the issue in all countries is that they have commanders for specific roles. We have land forces—people operating on land— others operating in the air and I, as a professional, know that there is no difference in terms of command or, indeed, that someone is going to develop power,’’ he said in quotes reported by Daily Times.

General Nundwe said, under the circumstances, he remained the overseer of the defence force.

“I remain the same and our hierarchy remains the same, only that people are being put in various specialties instead of me dealing with all the three. In terms of funding, it will be going to those commanders so that they should not be coming to my headquarters asking for support,’’ he said

Nundwe becomes the 13th MDF commander after he was appointed by President Mutharika on June 21.

The new MDF commander has served in several high profile positions within MDF  and has promised that the army will maintain high professional standards, including being apolitical.

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Mlindane Junior
Mlindane Junior
5 years ago

Uku ndiye timati kuchotsa mapiko nkhanga kuti isauluke. Bambo Nundwe mwakhala mmene analiri Chilima. Anali Vice president wadziko koma opanda mphamvu. Due to the warning from Junior soldiers APM wakanika kumchotsa Numdwe. He has indirectly removed Nudwe’s powers. Nundwe is nothing but a poster now. No direct influence on the ground. DPP is evil!

5 years ago

All these shake ups were meant to accommodate Brig Mpaso from Mulanje. Lomwes wanted one of theirs in top positions of the three services. MDF has been weakened indeed. AirForce there is Namathanga (Mulanje) Ku Army landed force kuli Mpaso (mulanje) and ku marine kuli chagonapanja ( mulanje). Anthu oyipa. Wasting government resources to make lonwes happy….our Army wayamba ndale

5 years ago
Reply to  Nyapapi

Koma eh! Down with this kind of tribal labeling.
Is everyone from Mulanje a mLhomwe?
Surprise: there are even Tumbukas, Tongas and oChewa too.

Malemu Tippex Arthur P Stole K145 million

Do we have an air force in Malawi? Do we have marine forces that in include warships or submarines. I don’t think we can even face the German forces of 1914 but we are in 2019. Our taxes are being wasted on useless police and APM. We exist but not live.All we know is stealing elections. The president doesn’t even have a helicopter. Are we not ashamed that we are going backwards everyday? Even the hiace mini buses are being replaced by tinatake and kabaza. Utsiru pa Malawi.

5 years ago

I agree with Malemu Tippex.We do not have an Air Force,rather an Air Wing.We do not have a Marine Force,but rather a Marine Unit and not a Landed Force ,but a unit.But busy stealing and abusing Govt. resources.Shame !

5 years ago

Simutitha… Kunali anzanu. Angwa. Mukupita inu… Chitsilu cha Munthu ngati ichi sindinachione. Mutha makape inu. No justice for us, no peace for the govt. Simple.

nompumelelo khuzwayo
5 years ago

panic button tsopano magogo simunati muphwisa!!!!!

Fake Petros
Fake Petros
5 years ago

An indication someone is INSECURE. Ukakhala mbava umathawa your own shadow. Momwe wayambira chewuchwu!!!.
Now they have started another project of CADETISATION of the military. Police is already cadetised. Judiciary has the duty now to rescue the country from this mess. Because next it will be the judiciary to be paralysed and rendered useless. Basi ndiye democracy that Malawians had FEARLESSLY fought for in 1992 is DEAD and BURIED

5 years ago

APM surely is going senile

5 years ago

Kamphekesera ka COUP anakonza! Agogo Bp pafupi pafupi kkkkkkkkk.

5 years ago


5 years ago

every day — everyweek —army shake up army shake up !! Why ? How ? What’s so special this time ?

Mr Truth Pains
5 years ago

Panicking with the out come of the court case so he think he will use soldiers as tippex to remain in power. The guy is really loosing control of this country so he is making decisions based on rumours. He regret the appointments of Mr Nundwe bcoz it wasn’t his wish but the wish of juniors ( Soldiers) The day after tomorrow, we will hear that he has changed another commander bcoz he is not sure what to do. He knew Mr Mhone of landed forces is a Tonga so he opt for Lhomwe to read landed forces bcoz it… Read more »

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