NFRA K3bn maize deal opens pandora box: Viola disowns LPO
The National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA)) has been put on spot a contract was given to a firm through a Local Purchase Order (L.P.O) for the supply of maize amounting to a whooping K3.3 billion.

According to the LPO sources by Nyasa Times, deputy chief executive officer Gerald Viola single handedly gave the contract by-passing management.
Viola, a former presidential press secretary and a failed Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) member of parliament aspirant, gave the contract to Lilongwe based Missiels Trading Company on 22nd January 2020 without following proper procedure.
But Viola on Monday told Nyasa Times reporters that “it is not true. This is total lies.”
He accused some officials within NFRA of character assassination.
“That LPO is not authentic. No way,” he said.
Insiders said Viola demanded a 10% cut from the deal which translates to K330 million and this opened a Pandora’s Box.
“People started questioning about this deal and it was brought to the attention of management which summoned Viola to a disciplinary hearing. He accepted the charge and apologized,” said an insider privy to the issue.
According to the L.P.O number 6750 that Nyasa Times has seen, Viola gave Missiels Trading of Private Bag 26, Lilongwe a contract to supply 10,000 metric tonnes of maize at K330 per kg. He signed for it and indicated his mobile number +265 999 367 227.
“NFRA does not use L.P.O for maize purchases, it uses contract agreements and this has to go through the Internal procurement Committee (IPC) but Viola used his position as Deputy CEO to issue the contract, ignoring the IPC,” said a source at NFRA.
Another source who corroborated the story said the disciplinary hearing is in process and Viola accepted wrong doing and apologized.
“Management is cautious on how to deal with him because of the way he came here [political appointment] ,” said the source.
Viola insisted to Nyasa Times that he is aware that some people want to bring him down.
“It’s a scheme operated by a group of people; there is no truth. I cannot do that. It was all forged,” said Viola.
Aapart from the K10 billion government allocated to NFRA, they had a carry-over of K2 billion to buy maize.
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We know the president can not act on this because he sleeps on the Job. Just go to road traffic, Immigration and MRA and see how corruption has become the way of doing business. At immigration officers are conniving with the bank officials to issue fake receipts for permits and they are pocketing the money which would otherwise go to government. This syndicate is well operated with officials at Home affairs. There is so much rot at immigration. While Road Traffic corruption is no longer a secret. Systems at road traffic are designed in a way that promotes corruption. MRA… Read more »
thats how cunning the DPPs are, untouchables.
K3 BILLION transaction can be handled by one person. its ok with DPP coufers, the elite.
zikazatuluka muzamuona akubisalaso mu body ya pickup kufunda cilona.
mutu ngati kacisoni, mfuko
CEO opanda nzeruyu anakamufukula pati? Shame!
Koma mmene imakhalira process popeleka contract like this i cant believe kuti nkhani iyi ndiyoona. Indeed someone is busy kuipitsirana mbiri. Ngati akuti NRFA imagwiritsa ntchito contract agreement sizingatheke Gerald singlehandedly use LPO just because of 10% hand palm oil. Akanagwiritsa the same contract agreement with the return. THIS IS FAKE
Usavutike cadet iwe, Stear, kuikira kumbuyo mchitidwe oipa ngati umeneu. It simply shows that DPP is full of evil minded people like you who have problem to see people stealing from government coffers…
MCP and UTM are now busy with fake news stories instead of working to fight corona-virus. Shame on Chakwera asnd CHilima.
Another evil minded person….
The opposition parties have to be far more proactive in identifying corruption and holding government accountable, than they have been until now. What we see in Malawi is equal silence on part of government and opposition parties on matters concerning corruption. This unfortunately does not bode well for Malawi. For it reflects whoever is in government owns the corruption and bribery which will be tolerated to benefit the leader in office. Corruption has made our past leaders millionaires in dollars and the incumbent continues to enrich himself and so by their silence the opposition leaders prove that under their government… Read more »
There is no Smoke without Fire. This is where a genuine Leader is supposed to act. The Head of State is supposed to Fire the Guy and Lock him up regardless the guy comes from Lomwe Belt. Let me educate you on a good example of a good Leader. Kamuzu Banda Fired and Locked up the General manager of Malawi Match Company because he had hiked the Price of Match Box by one Tambala. The reason, the matches are a vital and essential product for the Power. The General Manager had no use of a Match Box. The great Ngwazi… Read more »
So that`s why these guys cling to power, how can a transaction of MK3.3billion be handled by one person. ACB , Police both of them DPP cadets so who can police this? Only God the righteous judge is going to rescue poor Malawian s from the hands of plunders of public funds. Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived , God is not mocked for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” the harvest time is coming for DPP just wait and see
mitu ngsti citsononkho
Ngati amaba mavoti akalephele makobi. He was assigned that position for that reason. He is just doing what his masters send him to do.