‘No stooping low for Nyekhwe’: Chilima pledges K75bn loan fund, unbundles agenda to transform Malawi
State vice-president Dr Salous Klaus Chilima on Sunday said UTM remains the hope of the country as the party has mega plans to rebuild the country and that programmes contained in its manifesto will be incorporated into a grand opposition alliance package that will be unveiled on Thursday this week.

Speaking to a mammoth crowd at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre, Chilima spend time unbundling the UTM manifesto which focuses on three major categories: economic reform, robust government leadership and fighting corruption.
Chilima annoaunced that he has secured funds for K75 billion loan for the youth, women and the disadvantaged groups to access loans to set up businesses, the amount has been increased from K40 billion that was announced in 2018.
“UTM pledges a K75 billion loan fund for the youth, women and other marginalised populations in the country. I have already identified the funds for this initiative,” he said.
“We can do better as a country than propagating hate speech. Why stooping so low as to have these so called Nyekhwe [DPP war-cry] songs. We need the youth to be development conscious,”added Chilima with his rendition of Nyekhwe song, to talk about job creation and empowerment.
Chilima also announced that he has secured funds to build decent and affordable houses in the country and that members of the security forces from the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) and Malawi Police, Immigration and Prisons departments will be first beneficiaries.
“We need to bring order to the public housing sector. It’s high time town people stayed in town befitting houses,” stressed the UTM leader.
“All the programmes outlined in the UTM manifesto will be implemented and will be in the alliance package to be announced soon”, said Chilima.
He also reiterated that UTM will create one million jobs in the first year of office and that Malawians will buy a bag of fertilizer at cheap and affordable price of K4,495 than the current situation where farmers were buying a 50 kg bag at K22,000.
Chilima also repeated his earlier promise that UTM will establish “duty free week” every year where business people will be allowed to import products into the country duty free.
The UTM leader will remove connection fee for water and electricty to enable more Malawians access these basic needs.
“I want to assure Malawians that UTM government water and electricity will be free as we will remove the conncetion fee. People will only be paying there monthly bills,” he said.
He re-affirmed that UTM will introduce mega farms across the country, revamp the operations of the Admarc and ensure that farmers have access to markets for their products.
“Our promise that Malawians should have three meals per day still stands. We want a Malawi where people are empowered and live happily,” he said.
He said within 100 days in office UTM will spearhead change of mindset among Malawians, revamp the operations of government and ensure that civil servants are productive, welll paid and are paid on time.
Chilima said the goal of UTM is to see a Malawi that is free of corruption, nepotism and discrimination by laying strong foundations for economic growth of the country.
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Wat happened to the 1 million jobs you wanted to create for young people? Koma bulutu uyu.
Cadet alimmadzi, akuyandama………..Dpp mbava zenizeni
Walira naye mokweza chilima nyekhwe. Sunati, you shall be nyekhwalised accordingly.
APM Booomaaaa!
I shall not comment on the money mentioned by Chilima. But I shall comment on the ‘spirit’ behind chilima’s pronouncements. My take is that the spirit manifested in chilima’s speech shows that he shall have very very little recognition of chakwera as his boss. If you were listerning carefully, you will agree with me kuti chilima actually anawanyoza a MCP pansanja pompaja. Just listen at his speech again. He said ‘paja nanu inu a MCP simuchedwa kutengeka….’. How could you belittle your partner pagulu like that? Now, ngati chilima akunyoza MCP even before they win, how much contempt should we… Read more »
It looks like he is not keen to be running mate in the proposed alliance. That is why it is said that he is proposing a neutral broker to fecilitate the drawing up of the terms of the alliance, rather than for him to directly negotiate with Chakwera. He thinks that it will be easier through the broker, to advance a proposal that he should be the alliance’s presidential candidate, than it will be in one-on-one negotiations. Kaya utheka ukwati umenewu? And thereafter, ndi mitima imeneyi ulimba? We are yet to see and are ready for whatever comes, cos we… Read more »
Kodi MCP ili ndi manifesto? Sindinamve olo imodzi, at least MCP is lucky Chilima will pave the way for them, akayambila pati mu Boma anachoka kalekale. After all Chilima was speaking as a Vice President of the Country not running mate,, Cadet sungapume bwino.
ZEZE aka mr Jokes.too much talking,kenako kukamwa kungämbika ngat kwa KALIATI
Musova simunati
Mukumwa pheni
Wow! Whether one likes it or not, once again change is coming to Malawi. Agogo, mukumva bwanji ku sanjikako?
The man of the people for the people. I am from the south and a genuine supporter of the alliance.
Please Absalomu siya kunama if God will allow you to be the next President which I doubt in strongest terms you will be ashamed of your own promises – Remember it’s now 19 million people living in Malawi and surely believe you me you can not satisfy the needs of everyone. Learn to be humble and to appreciate what others have done for this country and only then shall God uplift you. Most of your followers have a tendancy of insulting/demeaning the elders castgating even the elected president the Father of this Nation it’s a shame. The Bible strongly teaches… Read more »
Pepa Cadet
Are you pleading. You do smartly though.
Kikkkkkkkk Cadet watha nzeru,wabalalika Jamax! Simunati ndipo mupenga osati masewela, Ife pheeee kudikila zimene madolo amenewa
Mtima phee iwe gang’a wa Nyau – linda madzi adutse ndiye udziti wadala wamva – !!!!
Kkkkkkkkkk pa malawi pamenepo thats how crooks behave. Remember when he was campaigning for APM in 2014 he was talking about two things i.e. Vote for APM into power and second was DPP is the only party to govern this country and not others. These two helped APM to usher into office but today akuluwa agundika ichi anena icho anena hoooodo kutenga boma sipano baba! Last time in 2019 you said u had 3.5m voters where were they when u were given 1m votes? Know that ppo are there just to read ur mind kuti crook uja kodi ndi uyu… Read more »
Time wasters!
Koma simukugona naye tulo Chilima, simunati manta!