Not afraid of 40 years sentence? Another man in Rumphi arrested for defiling a 10-year-old girl

Just a day after High Court enhanced the defilement sentence from 20 to 40 years, a man identified as Newton Jere 46, has been arrested for allegedly defiling a 10-year-old girl at Livingstonia in Rumphi district.

The accused: Jere

According to Rumphi police spokesperson Noel Kamchenga, the suspect sexually assaulted the victim when she was on her way home from playing with friends.


Kamchenga said after the assault, Jere begged the girl not to report the matter promising to buy her shoes, however the victim recounted the entire ordeal to her grandmother, who then informed her mother.


Yesterday, the incident was reported to Chitimba Police Unit and the victim was referred to David Gordon Memorial Hospital for a medical examination.


The suspect who hails from Phoseka Village in the area of Traditional Authority Mpherembe in Mzimba District, will soon appear in court to face charges of having sexual intercourse with a minor


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