Not yet Malawi we need – Catholic church
The Catholic Church’s Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) in Malawi has expressed concern at the hardships being faced by ordinary poor Malawians and has appealed to the government to cushion the suffering of the people especially the majority poor.

.In a statement titled, “Not yet the Malawi we need,” the Church’s commission National Secretary, Chris Chisoni says that “More needs to be done and to be done radically differently and effectively to make Malawi a better place for all.”
The CCJP’ statement also appeals to the donor community to resume budget support to Malawi.
“Development partners, we implore, should not abandon Malawi during its time of dire need. CCJP believes the Malawi government needs financial resources from bilateral and multilateral partners to support its agenda for development while it is cleaning and strengthening its financial management systems,” the statement says.
Paradoxically, Malawi’s economy, in spite of continued economic growth of 6 per cent has taken a notable dive in recent years. The country suffered mismanagement under the late President Bingu Mutharika who died three years ago. The devaluation of the local currency, Kwacha, in 2013 and a devastating financial scandal from 2005 which continued in the two-year rule of Joyce Banda have not helped matters.
The financial scandal known locally as “cash gate” saw the donor community withdraw vital support to Malawi.
CCJP is also critical of service delivery by the public sector in Malawi.
“The public service delivery system and processes have been on the down turn for a number of years now. The quality and timeliness of services in education, health, water and many other sectors have been hugely compromised and neglected to the detriment of the poor who cannot afford privatised services. Compounded by natural disasters, the livelihoods of Malawians are being pushed further to worst forms of poverty,” the CCJP statement reads.
Nevertheless, CCJP is heartened by an emerging critical and engaging citizenry. It says, “It is encouraging to note that Malawian citizens are no longer a ‘silent generation’ just watching their state of livelihoods passing them by. They are no longer a nation that merely complains either.
“There are now emerging voices in Malawi that call for accountability, transparency and responsiveness in many governance systems and structures. Whilst, the governors may often times not be comfortable with this emerging civic culture, CCJP notes this as a positive development which will ensure that those who govern always recognise the views and the voices from those governed,” affirms the CCJP statement.
CCJP asks Government to also do something about unchecked deforestation in the country; large scale exploitation of Malawi’ small holder farmers; dysfunctional local Government structures; the continued flaunting of procedures by Government when appointing people to various positions of public interest as well as a discernible lack of clear policy guidelines in the nation’s development agenda.
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chison is true.let him bring to light any misconduct done by the so called a faith based cso it is much interested in the welfare of a human being as an image of God.let me also remind ze gvt to stop deliberately provoking our temper.
Better go and sleep you who is practising some immature Christo-Political games. What has this to do with any Church Hypocrisy. Mukumatumidwa eti? And before I go, please mind thy language… find another page for that
Bwana Aubrey Gondwe, Mind your language and watch your tongue. You should be ashamed of yourself talking silly in a public domain. You are very incecetive. You should be the one to big up for reduculing the Catholic Church
Big Fat Christopher Chisoni … Go on a diet and set a decent example. You are the living symbol of the Catholic Church’s hypocrisy. The gross hypocrisy and corruption within your own organization is a disgrace. Meanwhile, you are so busy “Straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel.” Clean up your act, CCJP.. you are well-known in Malawi.
Christopher Chisoni from Nyezelera in Phalombe is a big DPP.
Mmene ine ndikudziwila. With this DPP Government. Better Days are coming.
DPP oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
APM oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
The situation which Malawi is facing not let to the president only, but all citizen youn have a major roll to controbute on how our country move forward.
Mulembeleni chikalata
The gvt is NOT cleaning and strengthening its financial management system iwe. When did NAC-gate happen? Is that called fixing? What about the MK50 000 bribing of journalists, is that fixing? Two things, either your vocabulary needs a huge update or you are just busy leaking their behinds an hiding in the sand.
Chisoni talking a bit of sense though softening-up since he is a strong supporter of the ruling party. Has he also been given membership of a board? Compromised love of the nation and integrity for personal affiliation and benefits.
Its folly to think only a Head of State can solve all problems. That has never been the role of a Head of State, citizens have to contribute to their countryu’s development. Malawi is the only country where everyone looks up to a Head of State.