NRB registers 12m citizens above 16 and 3.2m below 16, announces marriage registrations too

The National Registration Bureau (NRB) disclosed that it has registered over 12 million citizens of 16 years and above since 2016 representing a 103 percent registration coverage from the National Statistics Office (NSO) projected figure of 11.6 million.

NRB PS: Sambo

The Bureau has issued birthday certificates to 3.2million citizens below the age of 16 while the aggregate figures of birth and National IDs, the NRB has registered 15.2million citizens.

Principal Secretary for NRB, Mphatso Sambo told reporters during a press conference in Lilongwe that the Bureau is proud to have managed to achieve the registration of the citizens in the country.

“This is no mean achievement and not many countries in the world have managed. We are proud of this achievement and are committed to continue doing the best in order to register everybody in this country,” he said.

Sambo added that the Bureau will not sleep until every citizen has been issued with an Identification Document be it a Certificate of Birth or National ID saying their mandate is to implement, coordinate, manage and maintain the National Registration and Identification System (NRIS) in Malawi.

Sambo however denied allegations that the Bureau is registering minors for National Identities (IDs) saying such allegations are only meant to discredit NRB.

Meanwhile, NRB has also that it will shortly commence the pilot phase of registering marriages in the country. Sambo said the Bureau only awaits amendment to both National Registration Act and Marriage, Divorce and Family Relations Act.

“Currently the handover processes of the function are at an advanced stage,” he said.

Sambo emphasized that NRB has been mandated to register every marriage in the country.


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