Nsanje registers 3000 primary school dropouts

Nsanje district continues to perform poorly in the education sector as about 3,000 primary school students have dropped out of school this academic year alone despite interventions by government and Non Governmental Organization to promote education in the district.

Many pupils are dropping out
Many pupils are dropping out

According the district’s Education service committee report, the main contributing factors are general poverty, early or prearranged marriages and high HIV and AIDS prevalence rate in the district that is forcing children especially the girl child to attend to their sick parents.

Mal-cultural practices, inadequate classrooms and qualified teachers, orphan hood and lack of role models are also said to play a part.

In the report, it was also noted that some parents fail to pay for their children once they pass primary school living certificate (PSLC) either due to poverty or lack of foresight –failing to save money to pay for their children in secondary school as they believe the government will pay fees for them.

The committee has since requested the council to approve a school bursary proposal so the needy students’ access education support saying it will help to reduce school dropouts among the needy in the district.

The committee has also proposed that the council should make a deliberate effort, enforcing by-laws that will encourage the smooth delivery of education system in the district.

According to the committee, among other things guardians whose kids will be staying at home during school hours should be penalized, a move they believe will boost the enrollment rate.

The committee also suggested the creation of Village polytechnics to help the young acquire skills and prepare them for work or self employment if poverty is to be addressed in the district. –Mana

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10 years ago

Federal system ikuchedwa tisamamve nawo nkhani zopusazi.mwana kuthawa ku xul ndekuti chani???

Richard Pankomera
Richard Pankomera
10 years ago

This is literally bad!! we need to introduce compulsory free primary education NOW and not later!!

10 years ago

Ali mtawuni muno ati “thandizeni bwana”.

10 years ago

Nanunso a Nyasa mudziona nkhani zolemba ku nsanje kungakhale ophunzila… Bola kumpoto kkkkkk

kwa phelewera kwathu
kwa phelewera kwathu
10 years ago

Nawo alomwe ndi aSena ntchito kukoka makutu basi.school ndi imeneyo mukuyithawayo.koma mmawa lino mufuna kuti mukhale ma president muzizazunza anthu basi. Zonvetsa chisoni.mchifukwa chake boma langoganiza kuti likubeleni ndalama muonjezere kokagulira zida zo kokera makutu.

10 years ago

This is a shit of a country!!! Forget about development

10 years ago

Mwayamba kuyithawa nokhatu……..timakuwuzani kuti sukulu sachita kukakamiza ayi …KUYESERA KOTA koma AYI ndithu…..koma kulimbana ndi Mtumbuka ndi Northern Region yonse. Zitsiru kwambiri …..inu makamaka former Vice Chancellor wa UNIMA, Chapola ndi Bingu(do not rest in peace but burn to the bone in a hell of fire …for causing all the sufferings of the Northerners). Izitu zili ndi anthu kapena mtundu wake wa anthu olo chigawo………mwana Mpoto amakumana ndimakondishoni oposera pamenepa koma osayitaya sukulu ayi ndiponso no marriage arrangements kumene kuja. Nchifukwa chake mumaberekana ngati ngumbi – a BLM, PSI kuyesetsa kukuphunzitsani kulera koma ayi ndithu…..mapill olelera kukataya komanso nyama kunyama… Read more »

A chimwene mwalalata
A chimwene mwalalata
10 years ago
Reply to  duduzi

Akulu mwalalata inu. As a southern man, I am disappointed with these girls and especially their parents. I have been to the north, the motivation and material support that parents in the north give to their children is enviable. Too much poverty in Nsanje, occupied with what to feed their families tomorrow, what else could the parents of these children do? I am upset with our politicians, dam shire and any other river in Nsanje, get massive rice farming schemes going and start making a difference to these peoples lives. A sad lot of politicians we have: a sad lot… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  duduzi

You are a stupid and divisive fool. People in Nsanje have always been kept poor. These are the consequences of years and years of being ignored by the ruling governments and being treated as if they were foreigners in their own country. It’s idiots like you that will cause civil war in the country with your inhumane racist…yes racist and insensitive comments. If Malawi were to become federal your region will immediately be destroyed if it’s being run by idiots like you. We are a global village now. If you don’t understand what I’m saying by a global village take… Read more »

10 years ago

Zonsezi ndi a Tumbuka ozikonda. Kufuna kupanga distract from yopanda zimbudzi ija. Mwang’omboka

10 years ago

Choncho nanga mkutani? Kukupatsani Kota ayi ndithu. Sukulu mukuyithawabe.. Anthu osathandizika Inu. Mukatha Apo kutukwana atumbuka.. Mxi!

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