Nurse and doctors join Fun Run, render free services at Ntchisi Hospital
The National Organisation of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM) jointly with Society of Medical Doctors (SDM) and Association of Malawian Midwives (AMAMI), last Saturday visited Ntchisi District Hospital where they provided various health servicesto patients and communities that use the facility.

This according to NONM Executive Director, Benson Phiri was in solidarity with the Mother’s Fun Run initiative championed by Malawi’s newspaper giant, Nation Publications Limited (NPL).
Among others, NONM mobilized its member students from Nkhoma, College of Health Sciences and Daeyang to provide nursing and midwifery services through health education, screening and working in the wards and referrals.
The health workers said they rendered their services after realising the importance of safeguarding lives of mothers and children.
“NONM is participating to this initiative by recognizing its corporate social responsibility to patients and clients and the society as a whole. This is also part of community engagement initiative towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals and the national health goals,” said Phiri.
Phiri commended NPL for introducing the initiative saying this will promote health seeking behavior by communities particularly women.
AMAMI President Dr Ann Phoya said issues of safe motherhood are critical to Malawi as a country and as such, Midwives in the country are behind the initiative hence appeal to NPL to continue with such gesture and even going beyond fundraising but also by sensitizing pregnant mothers to go for antenatal clinics and delivering at health facilities.
“As a country we lose a lot of mothers who die during child birth. For instance; the latest Malawi Demographic Health Survey shows that, a number of 439 women out of 100,000 live births die. What we should know is that pregnancy is not meant to kill anybody rather it’s supposed to bring joy to a family,” said Dr. Phoya.
President of SMD, Dr. Amos Nyaka said the interest in safe motherhood issues is also at the heart of Malawian Doctors hence saw it fit to join hands with NPL for they believe that a collective interest would result in achieving remarkable results.
“As part of our service to Ntchisi District Hospital,we have also made a donation of various medical items and equipment that includes; Blood Pressure (BP) machines,Glocometers, Antbiotics,Pain-killers and Dental Ascetics. Central Medical Stores Trust also donated various medical drugs to the hospital,”said Dr. Nyaka.
Ntchisi District Health Officer, Dr. Zondwayo Ng’oma “ said: Within a short time, many patients have been assisted, which would not have happened under normal circumstances.”
He said they need to raise MK150 million that will go a long way in addressing some of the challenges the hospital is facing.
They want to procure Oxygen concentrators, Incubators and Genset among others.
During the event, the Central Medical Stores Trust (CMST) and Pharmacare supported the group with medical supplies which were used and some were left for future use at the hospital.
The event was one of the pre-activities of NPL’s annual Mother’s Fun Run event taking place this Saturday in the district.
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