Nyondo says donor money worsens Malawi poverty
National Salvation Front president James Nyondo has condemned all the governments that ruled Malawi since independence for investing donor money into their own consumption thereby worsening poverty among the people.
Nyondo made the sentiments at a rally he conducted in Chitipa recently.
“Our governments instead of investing the money our friends help us to produce, they invest the money into their own consumption through bloated cabinets, numerous presidential advisers, dubious allowances to themselves. Instead of being innovative at investing donor funds for the good of the nation, their talents are used to find ways and means to pay themselves without any feelings of remorse,” said Nyondo.
He said Malawi’s bilateral relationships with donor nations have made the nation more dependent on donor nations with each passing year.
Said Nyondo: “Our research reveals that the amount of money the United States government has given Malawi since 1964 would have turned our nation into a middle economy country by now. I am not including amounts from the British, Germans, French and Japanese just to mention a few.
“When you look around Malawi, experience life in our beautiful nation, the reality on the ground is of grinding poverty for the majority of the people. Persistent power failures, our hospitals barely do what they are supposed to do because of lack of resources, a civil service that is underpaid, an economy that does not create jobs, almost every institution on life support because if donor nations close the tap, our nation will go tumbling down a cliff.”
Chitipa’s Nasaf district chairperson Goodwin Mkamanga echoed Nyondo”s sentiments saying people who have been members of Parliament in te districta especially Chitipa Central have been focusing on enriching themselves.
“We in Chitipa are like orphans. We believe James Nyondo is the right person to rule this country because he is not there for money. Come May 2014 he will lead this country,” said Mkamanga.
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