Opinion: Is Ken Msonda and MCP panicking with Mutharika’s candidature for 2025 presidential election?

Ken Msonda a member of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) says Professor Peter Mutharika will not stand for presidential election in 2025. Msonda was fired from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and is no longer a member of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) neither is he the party spokesman.

It is crystal clear that government and everyone else on the sinking boat is afraid of Mutharika and are under heavy panic after what the European Intelligence Unit, Afrobarometer predicted and what they saw at Njamba Freedom Park. No doubt about that, the prediction is precise.


The embattled and controversial politician Ken Msonda said these sentiments on Sunday in Dowa where the MCP had a political rally. The people of this country expected to hear more how government is geared to offer it’s campaign promises made in 2020 to the people of Malawi considering the fact that the 5 year term is coming to an end. The citizens of this country have not forgotten what they were promised to be delivered.


However it is now clearly evident that the DPP was absolutely right to fire Msonda from the party because he lacks character, maturity and integrity in politics.

What Ken Msonda should have done was to focus on his MCP campaign strategy how they will fair in the coming election in order to win because the battle ahead is going to be very tough. He should have focused on marketing his presidential candidate Lazarus Chakwera and nothing else.


Millions of the people of Malawi are no longer interested to listen to why he was fired from the DPP but what he has to offer on the government side. He should accept that he has crossed the bridge and he’s now on the other side of the river so he must avoid wasting his precious time and energy looking backwards and talking about other candidates who do not belong to his political party.


Honorable Richard Chimwendo Banda is another pastor turned unrealistic politician in Malawi who is not well focused. His conduct and contributions to politics is very irrelevant because he believes in violence right within his political party and the opposition.


How does the minister expect his government, which has completely failed to deliver it’s own manifesto, to bounce back to Power in 2025? Perhaps he is openly tell you the word that he is building his confidence on false hopes based on MCP plans to rig the election but it will flop.


On Sunday 12 May 2024, all eyes were glued on Blantyre’s historic Njamba Freedom Park, where former President Peter Mutharika addressed a highly charged political rally.


Thousands of enthusiastic supporters of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) flocked to the venue, eager to hear their charismatic leader’s message. All roads in Blantyre were highly blocked and business came to a standstill as the DPP supporters came out in their largest numbers and it took Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika several hours to drive through to the venue – Njamba Freedom Park.


The event has undoubtedly caused sleepless nights to Tonse Alliance Government, as they continue with never ending responses in an effort to downplay one of the most successful DPP rallies in recent times.


Former President Peter Mutharika’s “Make Malawi Great Again” rally continues to agitate President Lazarus Chakwera and his camp who have spent days, using the government resources to indirectly and directly respond to the rally.


The massive turn up at Njamba Freedom Park on Sunday shocked many critics and political analysts as the former ruling party made its statement of intent to wrestle back power from the incumbent.


Chakwera, used Kamuzu Day celebrations, to declare boldly that he is not going anywhere, in response to Mutharika’s assertions that the DPP will reclaim government in 2024 but everyone knows the battle is getting excited. But Malawians are the ones to decide whether they are still interested to be under a government with a huge failing economy or someone else who can manage the economy better than what they are experiencing today.


Two days after the Njamba earthquake political rally, the president was back again claiming he could have handled the economy better if it wasn’t for covid-19, the Ukraine Russia war, then cyclones that hit Malawi.


It is not surprising that Honorable Ken Msonda is also paddling in the same canal of troubled political waves. ” Opita ndi Madzi, salephera kugwira ngakhale chitsononkho.”


Malawi needs smart political campaign. Smart campaigns help highlight selling of  political parties and attract voters. Politicians can create a smart campaign for Malawi, and avoid politics of castigation to ably showcase different manifestos in order to win elections.


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Optic Computer
Optic Computer
3 months ago

“make Malawi great again” undoubtedly is Donald Trump’s “make America great again.” besides, I never thought Malawi was any “great” in its history of begging and expecting donations and grants, if we were not borrowing. as for spending government resources for political mileage during political curcum-development rallies – it’s now rooted political tradition since independence. and DPP was the waste to the extent of using female civil servants leaving the jobs and dress white tops and blue DPP zitenjes for DPP rallies. at times buses and trucks were used to ferry women to Blantyre, Zomba, Mzuzu and Lilongwe to “go… Read more »

3 months ago

Politics. Owina sakudziwika koma olemba nkhani akudziwika mbali imene iwo aliri.

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