Opportunity Bank sold to MyBucks
Opportunity Bank of Malawi (OIBM) has been sold to one of the renowned international financial lending institutions, Mybucks.

Two Senior Managers who works for OIBM confided in Nyasa Times that the management has put pen to paper.
“Yes its true OIBM has been sold to Mybacks but we don’t know finer details of the deal since the transactions were being done at senior level,” said one manager.
However, according to statement released on Thursday, the two institutions described the relationship of MyBucks and Opportunity International as “partnership”.
“This partnership will greatly accelerate our work to help lift more people out of poverty, transform their lives and strengthen their families and communities,” said Vicki Escarra, Global CEO, Opportunity International.
“MyBucks will supercharge our mission by adding significant capital, resources and expertise to help drive financial inclusion of the unbanked and underbanked clients throughout Africa. It also helps us achieve our goal of creating and sustaining 20 million jobs by 2020, which will impact 100 million lives worldwide.”
This partnership marks the first time a fintech company has acquired banks to bridge the gap between the virtual and traditional worlds of banking to enable faster, more efficient and less expensive access to financial services for clients.
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Go ahead selling OIBM but remember to spare our brothers and sisters. We don’t want them to be Jobless because of your wrong decisions.
sounds squalid
Oib is pvt bank unlike msb or nbm or stand khalani chete muxingowona
it can be a blessing in disguise, let us wait and see
Please you guys don’t disappoint us , why sale a bank in a secret way , a bureau gwilani ntchito yanu
By the end of the year everything shall have been sold
Dint be so stupid iwe ukuziti Bank sold Like Marijuana. Yoy must know when u have to ooke your nose in rhe busuness thar doesnt concern u. Vuto ndi umbuli. Bank Limeneli silaboma therefore u have absolurely nothing to be worried about. Umafuna akuuze zogulitsa bamk imeneyi ngati ndani?
It’s time to back out. There are stupid personell at ndix branch and would not fit in a new set up. The bank should take care of these inexperienced cottage staff.
Last time it was MALAWI SAVINGS BANK, now OBM.Shame! Next time,RBM.Kaya!!!!.
Why has this bank been sold in a very secretive way like marijuana. MSB sale in the newspapers, Inde Bank sale was in the papers and the entire media, why not OIBM?. Reserve Bank of Malawi, why are you not allowing Malawians to participate in financial markets and why are you supporting clandestine operations. What was oibm hiding? Anti Corruption bureau should investigate this sale. Someone must have eaten money to have this bank sold in secret.