Opposition demand accountability on budget: Poverty worse now than ever before in Malawi

Opposition parties say they will ask the government to account for the national budget passed last year, saying poverty among Malawians is worse than ever before.

Chakwera: Malawi lack moral capital

The major political parties said the government should give a convincing break down on how the money has been used.

Leader of opposition Lazarous Chakwera said they will demands  answers as to what happened to the money parliament approved last year for poverty to wear the ugly face.

He said MCP legislators will rap up Finance minister Goodall Godnwe on how the budget was used because of the worsening cost of living in Malawi.

“This country lack moral capital,” he noted on Capital Radio’s DayBreak Malawi program.

“We hardly adhere to principals. On paper we have wonderful plans and we make wonderful speeches [but in practise we do things differently],” he added.

People’s Party spokesperson Ken Msonda said: “If the money was used as parliament approved it, poverty levels would have lessened instead of worsening. Something is not adding up.”

However, ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Francis Kasaira said it would be awkward for the opposition to ignite debate on the past budget.

“This meeting of parliament is called budget meeting because we want to discuss the 2016/17 national budget. The honourable members should discuss the forthcoming budget which the Finance minister will present to parliament next week,” he said.

He said there are laid down procedures on how a budget can be monitored.

President Peter Mutharika is expected to deliver his state of the nation address on Friday before Finance minister Goodall Gondwe presents the national budget to the House next Friday.

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8 years ago

Some of the money is being used as monthly salaries for dpp cadets who have been hired in all the State Houses.

Apao Kugola
Apao Kugola
8 years ago

If parliamentary procedures on budget preclude an assessment of the previous budget’s performance then the house is indeed suitable for misfits. It doesn’t require high academic qualification to know that after implementing a project (in our case the national budget) a thorough evaluation (pointing out where we did well or otherwise and then the Whys and Hows of that achioevement) is supposed to be done before embarking on the new project. Accounatbility should be a key tenet in the implementation and discussion of the national budget. But Kasaira wants the nation to continue squandering public resources without anybody questioning why… Read more »

8 years ago

Ine ndimaganiza kuti a Kasaila ndi a nzeru koma ndakhumudwa. Does this man really read public finance management act? My country, my foot!!!!! mxsiiiii

mwana nyungwe
mwana nyungwe
8 years ago

Lazarous has a point and a fact here Kasaira only the law breaker fears the men in uniform so What ever your are telling Malawians is that you are afraid of the check and balance but we Malawians we are fine with it and we support it come what may

8 years ago

The opposition on behalf of Malawians are the right people to demand not only accountability but also transparency in the way government spent last year’s allocations. I agree with the leader of the opposition that minister of finance must explain line by line how the money was spent. Otherwise they are just rubber stamping budgets that are going to Muthalika’s foreign bank accounts. No explanation no budget!! This corrupt government can not be given a blank check. Muthalika has been looting state resources with impunity. We need accountability. The minister is equally naive to demand that the parliament discuss this… Read more »

8 years ago

Hahahahahahah! is this how a reasonable government can respond? Za chamba basi. What the opposition is saying is very good and welcome.Please to avoid embarasment, the Finance mininister should be prepared to respond. Otherwise no explanations no budget. What for?

8 years ago

Mahule onse go konko ku LLsko. Ngakhale Richard akudziwa kuti Jessie cannot sustain him as she is very spent. Bola juliana.

8 years ago

With The kwacha devaluation which has already started as early as May, will the budget not be disturbed as they are pricing a budget which will not be enough, as fertiliser prices will go up, medicines, fuel, travelling local abroad, civil servants will ask for price increase, how will this budget work. It is time we follow Zimbabwe and adpot the US Dollar as our national currency as Malawi kwacha is unstable and we can not even make a budget in Malawi kwacha as almost certainly it will Lose value. We need a new Economic ideas as currently our economy… Read more »

8 years ago

Mukuti aKasaila kaya, inu mudakhala bwanji mukuti pabudget sipakhala kuona zambuyo kuti nthawi ija zidali zingati are serious?

8 years ago

You can’t prepare a budget without first knowing how the previous budget performed or how the money allocated to the previous was used. Only Dpp thugs think otherwise. Kasaila, please know your responsibilities!!! Lying is what makes the devil of dpp. There is nothing wrong with what laz is requesting. In fact that is what is supposed to be done every year especially in a country as corrupt as ours which is led by the most corrupt govt ever formed. The opposition should be doing that every year requesting information on what was done with the budgeted money in the… Read more »

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