OSBP ease operationalization processes, increase revenue collection

Authorities at Mchinji One Stop Boarder Post (OSBP), says the coming in of this modern facility has made the operations to be smooth and fast as clearing of cargo from Zambia entering Malawi is done within 24 hours.

Felix Mzirahowa who is deputy station officer at the boarder disclosed this during an interface with journalists who are on a media tour to appreciate operations in modern built boarder posts.

He also disclosed that revenue correction has also increased from MK1 billion to MK3 billion every month.

“With the coming in of this OSBP the process has been simplified as before this facility we had so many issues in terms space to operate in was not enough to accommodate these travellers everyday and we were slow in our operations also. On the issue of illegal smuggling we have been able to ease the problem as the facility has a police unit to be used by law enforcement agencies,” Mzirahowa said.

He further added that the component of a smart gate at the facility also facilitates easy correction of data for the goods as well as travellers.

Government of Malawi in collaboration with the government of Zambia come up with this facility inorder to strengthen business operations between the two countries.

So far the facility has the track park which has the capacity of accommodating 70 tracks.

As of now the facility has all the required standards which are needed for smooth operations which among others is the connectivity and data exchange system, complete legal framework, complete infrastructure as well as harmonization and simplified procedures.

Journalists from different media houses are on a media tour to appreciate the operations of new modern built boarder posts in the country as this is part and parcel of Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project, (SATCP) which is a World Bank funded project under Ministry of Transport and Public Works.

SATCP is a 6 year project worthy $150 million dollars with an objective of increasing private sector activity along targeted corridors of Malawi and Mozambique, through reduced trade costs and time, increased value chain development, and improved access to infrastructure.

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