PAC votes to fire Ansah, commissioners: Proposes new Malawi Electoral Commission  

Parliament’s Public Appointments Committee (PAC)  which conducted an inquiry  on the current Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to see if it is competent enough to hold the Constitution Court sanctioned fresh presidential polls has  recommended the sacking of .MEC chairperson Jane Ansah and all commissioners for their incompetence and mismanagement of last May’s poll  that was marred with irregularities.

PAC Chairperson Collins Kajawa and his Vice Chair Rachel Zulu: Committee proposes new look Malawi Electoral Commission-pic by Lisa Kadango
PAC says chairperson of the Electoral Commission Justice Jane Ansah  should be fired together with all her incompetent commissionersc-pic by Lisa Kadango (2)

The Constitutional Court on February 3 2020 ruled that that nullified the May 21 2019 presidential election were “null and void” for massive irregularities and ordered do-over elections to be held within 150 days.

The court said the evidence before it was clear that MEC failed to follow legal requirements.

Of the 21-member PAC, 12 confirmed the incompetence of the commissioners to manage fresh elections as six members rejected the proposal while three abstained.

The commissioners to be fired include Mary Nkosi, Elvey Mtafu, Moffat Banda, Yahaya M’madi, Linda Kunje and Jean Mathanga.

Other commissioners facing the chop include the Reverent Clifford Baloyi and the Reverend Killion Mgawi.

However, PAC’s recommendation will be subject to approval of President Peter Mutharika as the appointing authority.

The inquiry follows the Constitutional Court judgement that nullified the presidential election over irregularities and mandated Parliament to assess the commissioners’ competences.

The nullification of the election by the judgement the five-judge panel comprising Healey Potani, Dingiswayo Madise, Ivy Kamanga, Redson Kapindu and Mike Tembo, follows complaints by opposition leaders Lazarus Chakwera of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and Saulos Chilima of the UTM Party that the polls were rigged.

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5 years ago

By the way we heard from court that the constitutional court is an illegal court becauise it is not there in our constitution. This is a makeshift court set out by the chief justice to deal with DPP

Counting down
Counting down
5 years ago

We need the break down and names of how PAC Voted , it is our God given right to see how our representatives voted

Mangochi Kabwafu
Mangochi Kabwafu
5 years ago

So beneficially mr tippex president himself must approve? Uuuuuuu!

5 years ago

Very interesting shooting one’s foot.Won by incompetent process and fire incompetent Commissioners.Ha ha ha ha ha

5 years ago

I think to solve this problem,we must not give power to the President to appoint the MEC people.Let there be a law change for this process.I would suggest that the PAC plus other stock holders be included when choosing these MEC people.

5 years ago

Big thumb up PAC for the job well done. Make sure you put the house in good order
so, when will the new commissioners be appointed, please time is running out, it is no longer 150 days
we have few days,

Nthowa Yiwemi
5 years ago

Simbi United comprised of the five Judges will play with HRDC this Friday at MCP ground. The winners will carry the trophy

Angoni apaphata
Angoni apaphata
5 years ago

Those who abstained should be relieved of their duties in the committee. They are the reason we are not moving forward. They are supposed to be decision makers not observers

Malawi wa Lero
Malawi wa Lero
5 years ago

Exactly!! this is a New Malawi, we are going to hold our representatives accountable for their actions/inactions.

5 years ago

Kkkkk and who is the appointing authority paja?

5 years ago

No need to fire Ansah and MEC Commissioners. This is a witchhunt

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