Paramount Chief M’mbelwa says: “Clap hands for Michael Usi.”

His Royal Majesty, Inkosi Ya Makhosi M’belwa V said Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, Right Honorable Dr Michael Usi, deserves a collective hand clapping for the tireless efforts that he has invested thus far in ensuring that more people access loans from NEEF to boost their businesses.

The Inkosi expressed his appreciation at at Sandton Hall gathering at his Edingeni Headquarters, Mzimba on Friday, September 20, 2024. During a meeting, which focused on economic empowerment through the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF), Chief Mbelwa heaped praise on Usi, lauding his advocacy for NEEF loans, particularly the VUWUKANI loans, which are aimed at assisting the poorest and most vulnerable Malawians.

Inkosi Ya Makhosi M’belwa V highlighted Usi’s relentless drive, acknowledging that he is no ordinary Vice President but a passionate advocate for the marginalized. “Your work here is big because you are helping ordinary people to access loans from NEEF. We especially thank you for extending loans to farmers because we know that with fertile land like that in Mzimba, farmers will be able to turn the tide on poverty and feed the nation. We, as chiefs, pledge to assist in sensitizing our people about the importance of repaying these loans, ensuring that they are not only benefitting from the loans but also contributing to the revolving fund,” He said.

The Inkosi underscored the role Usi is playing in transforming lives, not just through words but through tangible actions. ” With the relentless efforts that we have seen from the Vice President; with VP Usi fighting in the corner of the poor, we are sure that poverty will be a thing of the past in Mzimba ,” the Inkosi emphasized.

In his remarks, Dr Usi emphasized that NEEF loans are for all Malawians. “As long as you are a Malawian, the loan is for you. This is our opportunity to transform our lives. I know there are others who think these are government handouts that don’t need to be repaid. But that attitude must change. This is about economic empowerment, and it requires responsibility and accountability,” he asserted.

The Vice President went on to praise the leadership of Inkosi Ya Makhosi M’belwa V, not only for his support of NEEF but also for his role in environmental conservation. “No matter how much you benefit from the loans, if you are reckless with the environment, you will end up spending all your money on recovery rather than uplifting your life,” he warned, linking the success of economic empowerment to sustainable environmental practices.

The Vice President also took the opportunity to highlight the pivotal role chiefs can play in the success of NEEF, emphasizing that for the first time, traditional leaders would be actively involved in sensitizing their communities on the importance of repaying loans. He even encouraged chiefs to access NEEF loans themselves, setting an example for their people.

Dr. Usi, called for collective responsibility. “It is important that as a responsible government, we walk hand-in-hand with the people we serve. If I am advocating for these loans, it’s because politics is about service, and service is about ensuring equal distribution of resources. That is why we need to monitor to see if what we are doing is yielding results,” he urged.

NEEF’s Head of Operations, Kissa Kalyolyokesa, revealed that since its inception three years and seven months ago, NEEF has disbursed K133 billion in loans to 183,000 beneficiaries, creating over 500,000 jobs. Of the K28 billion loaned out in the Northern Region, 25% has gone to Mzimba alone, with a repayment rate of 93%—one of the highest in the country. However, Kalyolyokesa noted that North Mzimba remains a challenge, with repayment rate of below 70%.

Dr. Michael Usi, is known for his deep-rooted connection to grassroots movements, and has long been recognized for his activism and commitment to championing the cause of those trapped in poverty. It is no wonder that the VUWUKANI M’MATOPE A UMPHAWI (meaning “Rise from the poverty”), has been conceived out of his intense engangement with NEEF to help those who are at the lowest rung of the economic ladder. The VUWUKANI loans, a key part of the NEEF program, target those who are often left behind by traditional banking systems due to lack of collateral or formal employment.

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