Pictorial of home return for Giddes, promotes Malawi in America
Giddes Chalamanda last week fulfilled his dream of performing in America but returned home on Wednesday through Chileka Internationak Airport in Blantyre.

Speaking to reporters on arrival Giddes said he was excited to have fulfilled his dream.
“My dream has come true. Many people should learn a lesson to aim higher in life and keep working hard,” he said.
Giddes said the American tour had receivied an overwhelming support.
Malawi Ambassador to United States of America (USA) Necton Mhura said in a statement that Giddes promoted the country at an event at the library’s Middle Eastern and African Division of Congress in Washington DC alongside Edgar ndi Davis.
Mhura said the event was held in the Whittall Pavilion and patronised by both Americans and Malawians.
“Music and dance are an integral part of Malawian life. Malawi has many traditional dances, including vimbuza, gule wamkulu and tchopa. These three traditional dances have been recognised by Unesco as the intangible cultural heritage of humanity,” said Mhura.
Speaking at the event, the Ambassador added that recording the music at the Library of Congress will be an invitation to researchers and music lovers to study and enjoy unique and Malawian music.
Mhura concluded by thanking the library of congress for hosting the event and contributing to Giddes’ dream to become real.
Edgar and David you deserve my praises for catapulting Giddes to the celebrity status he is enjoying in Malawi. I remember that whenI was growing up in Kanjedza Giddes Chalamanda would be going around entertaining people on the streets and used to struggle in life. You two guys have made him what he is now. Very few Malawians can do this. May God shower upon you his abundant blessings.
Who is Giddes? Never heard of this man apart from social networking. Serious who is he?
Thanks a lot the organizers of the trip. You have shown that as Malawians we can achieve a lot if we unit and have common shared vision. In the same philosophy, organize fundraising for needy university students in the event of hiked fees? Keep it up Davis and Edgar. You have made history.
Zonyaditsa Khwambiri
Thums up Edgar & Davis , this good achinyamata asamayelekedwe iyayi and Giddes moyo wayenela wasintha.
Ndikufuna ndithokoze aMalawi makamaka ma artist achinyamata pa zimenene mwaachitira a Chalamanda powatengera ku America. The photos I’ve seen here are very touching. Mkuluyu has been singing from around 70’s ‘Azimayi a Malawi’, ‘Kwalembera Chibaluwa Angayika’ among some of his remarkable songs. Ambiri mwa anthu amene akumunyadira pachithunzipa anali asanabadwe. Achinyamata inu Mulungu akudalitseni pomuganizira mkuluyu. Watsala yekha wakale. Azinzake onse anapita, monga a Danieli Kachamba, Donald Kachamba, aNangalembe, e.t.c. Chosangalatsa kwambiri ndichoti akadali ndi mphamvu mpaka lero. This is our own ‘BB King’ Long live Mr Chalamanda fron Njuli. He deserves a national award.
Kale likati lizibwelera bwezi Baba Gides atasankha kukhala ka teenager