Plan International partners Malawi Govt in job creation drive

Plan International Malawi and Malawi Government have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), which aims at establishing a strategic collaboration in job creation to address youth unemployment and skills mismatch between the industry and training institutions.

Kasoga (left) providing an insight into the MoU as Kamtukule looks on–Photo by Watipaso Mzungu, Nyasa Times
Kamtukule: The private sector, too, must take responsibility in creating jobs for the youth–Photo by Watipaso Mzungu, Nyasa Times
Kasoga signing the MoU

The MoU, other things, calls for joint planning and implementation of some components of programmes and/or projects and campaigns intended to benefit the development of a strategy document for job creation.

Speaking at the MoU signing ceremony, which took place at the Capital Hill in Lilongwe on Monday afternoon, the Deputy Minister of Labour, Vera Kamtukule, described the agreement as a milestone in government’s quest to address high levels of unemployment in Malawi, especially among the youth.

Kamtukule emphasized that the responsibility to create jobs should not be left in the hands of the government alone.

“The government can sometimes create a favourable environment for job creation. So, it should come out clear that the one million jobs that we intend to create will not come from the government alone, but also the private sector after the government has created a conducive environment for them,” she said.

The deputy minister then thanked Plan International Malawi for offering to work with the government to facilitate job creation initiative in order to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country.

The Plan International Malawi Country Director, Phoebe Kasoga, said the objective of this MoU is to strengthen the collaboration between Ministry of Labour and her organization through establishing and implementing a formal relationship with mutual interest.

Kasoga disclosed that through the MoU, the parties will aim at achieving their strategic outcomes more effectively through working together, and to jointly explore new approaches for enhancing the products and services provided by the Parties.

“In particular, the parties aim to improve accessibility of boys and girls to TEVET training in order to improve their employability; enhance private sector engagement to address skills mismatch between the industry and training institutions; utilize the existing national and global networks for mutual advantage and benefit; and share knowledge and ideas in order to develop and innovate new skills in the labour market, focusing on the job creation,” she explained.

Kasoga added that the agreement will help improve collaboration between the ministry and her organization in addressing bottlenecks in job creation and skills development.

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Justin Banda
Justin Banda
4 years ago

Creating 1,000,000 jobs

4 years ago

1,000,000 jobs. (1,000,000÷12 months = 83,333 jobs per month!) July 2020 to june 2021 = 12 months; July 2020 to Sept 2020 = 3 months ( i am already tired …………..of this complicated maths….

Tiyende pa modzi
Tiyende pa modzi
4 years ago
Reply to  Bollard

Bollard, You need to take a chill pill and find better use of your time, you will never get the time back that you’ve just wasted! use your brain cell productively!!!!

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