Poet Chiwamba embarks on 15 day vocational training, skills campaign
Sensational poet Robert Chiwamba has embarked on a 15 day vocation training and skills campaign aimed at mobilizing the youths in the country to purse technical and vocational training, especially after finishing form four classes.

The journey started on 1st July and expected to end on world skills day, the 15th of July. Among other things Chiwamba is using social media including whatsapp and Facebook in disseminating messages on importance of embracing technical and vocational trainings.
Speaking in an interview with Nyasa Times, Chiwamba said people should not overlook vocational education saying it is one key area that can boost the country’s economy.
He said the youth can become self-reliant especially after accomplishing the vocational training and skills development.
“Unemployment rates are very high in the country; therefore technical education affords the youths to start small scale businesses using skills and knowledge they can acquire from a technical college.
“Secondly, an element of entrepreneurship which almost all courses in our technical colleges offer helps students to be innovative in terms of starting personal businesses something that guarantee success in life”, he said
Chiwamba urged Malawians to change mindset towards vocational trainings simply by giving it a try and see the benefits that follow when one acquire skills and knowledge.
According to Chiwamba , most malawian youth regard the vocation training and skills development as it is for those who have failed to go to the University hence the campaign.
Currently, the United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Ambassador, Chiwamba has also released a poem titled Mwetumwetu which has gone viral on social Media and is also preaching the same message, telling youngsters the importance of vocational education.