Police arrest 15  CCAP praise team members in Lilongwe over theft

Malawi Police in Lilongwe have arrested and are keeping in custody 15 members from Katondo’s  Church of Central African Presbyterian (C.C.A.P) in Area 25 C and have since been charged with theft offence respectively.

Some of the arrested members

Kanengo Police Public Relations Officer (PRO) Sub-Inspector Laban Makalani confirmed the arrest in an interview with Nyasa Times.

According to Makalani, early this month of September, Police received a complaint from Church Pastor Rev. Robson Kapachika and Church Session Clerk a Mr. Matope that a section of some suspended Praise Team Members were refusing to surrender musical equipment belonging to the Church following their suspension.

According to the Church, the members were suspended for being indiscipline.

The suspended members admitted to Police that they are indeed withholding the equipment claiming full ownership.

They argued that they bought the musical equipment using money they realised from fundraising activities.

The Police thereafter invited both parties to a round table discussion inorder to end the stand-off amicablly.

This did not bear fruits as the members maintained their stand of withholding the equipment resulting into their to arrest.

“Today 26th September 2017, the Police decided to open a case of theft under Section 278 of the Penal Code after the two sides had failed to reach a consensus on the matter. The Police is of the view that the Church has a legal claim of right over the instruments” Sub-Inspector Makalani told Nyasa Times on Tuesday.

The Police Publicist further said the Police have recorded witness statements from Church Elder but they are yet to recover the instruments that include Drums, Mixer, Amplifier, Guitars and
Microphones worth millions of kwacha’s.

Out of the 15 arrested, nine are male while six are female.

They will appear before court soon, police said.

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7 years ago

Praise team….oh my foot! awo akuonetsa ntchafu pa mtundawo?…… amayi avala Jacket ya white awo

7 years ago

That was theft of the highest order, pa church apatenga ngati pakwawo anyamata amenewo, any funds raised in the name of a church or church grouping belongs to the church and so is the musical equipment

7 years ago

Real not written… Why indespsplined… Anyway currently bailout at 30pin each….. Case on 6 November

7 years ago

Police these praise human beings a lesson by squeezing them very hard. They think what we give to church belong to them . Otherwise am advising all praise teams to go to school and get educated or do business instead of fighting for something which belong to the church.

7 years ago

Akuluakulu tisamanene kuti mulungu awweruza, thats why anthu pano akumabera akristu ndarama coz they say zamulungu sizipita ku court pamene its pure theft, mbava zumabisala muma church zikajaila its when they go and cashgate in govt and companies akawalemba ntchito. A PERSON WHO FEARS GOD CAN NOT DO WHAT THESE SO CALLED PRAISE TEAM MEMBERS DID. Why get furious with suspensions? even azibusa amapangidwa suspend, or fathers, Kodi mbava ikaswa ku church or convent or mzikiti nkugwidwa timati musiyeni alanga ndi mulungu?


Koma abaaale mufuna munene kuti mulungu walephera kuweruza mlandu umeneu nde Jugde aukwanisa? Let’s be spiritual guys osamaphwekesa zinazi aaahhhh satana atiseka shuwa Aaaahhh abusa ndi vestry yonse mumuziwe yesu inu

7 years ago

It is because these ex-praise team members were rude, they did not listen to advice

7 years ago

mmmmm Katondo CCAP kutengela advantage Police ili mudela mwawo. Reuter palibe kuba yapa. Its just that forces and power of Satana is in this church. Onse abusa ndi mpingo wonse alape.apo biii chipasupasu champingo uwu. Kuti Musical equipment ipezeweke GOD has the blessings to both parties..

7 years ago
Reply to  Nkhondo

Palibe zachipasupasu changoni apa. Ndiye kukanayamba ndikumwambatu Mulungu atamuthamangitsa lucifer chifukwa cha matama ngati amene akupanga ana awa. Tiana ta mtudzu

7 years ago

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. a praise team akukhozgaso soniiii. members of choir groups in churches ought to know that their equipment as long as they are a registered church group belongs to the church equipment. why is it that they wanna disgrace the church which is the body of Christ.???? do these know whome they are singing to???? namunyinu nazizwa nawo wanganya awa chipulikano chawo that palibe ndi mmozi to advise azinzake the right way?????

7 years ago
Reply to  mwakaonja

The praise team is to blame. if they were fundraising in the name of the church then its not their property. ANTHU OIMBA AMADZIMVA BWANJI? Iwo amafuna asapatsidwe discipline?

7 years ago

Amangidwe ndithu. Kuba kumeneko. Anthu amene amapereka ndalama zomwe anagululira zida zimenezi kaya pa fund raising or chopereka mmbale amapereka ku church not to an individual. Choncho kuchita claim kuti ndi zawo ndi kubera church. Ndatitu church not abusa ayi. Chifukwa ngakhale abusa zinthuzo sizawo ndiza akristu eni ake. Abweze amenewo and akapanga makani amangidwe ndithu chifukwa kumeneko ndi kubera anthu mdzina la mulungu. An act “likely to cause breach of peace” and is punishable by law. Abusawo sanalakwe kupita ku Police. Akuba amenewo ndithu. Si praise team imeneyo.

7 years ago

Koma umbuli siwabwino, kodi church ikapanga fundraising ndiye kuti wina akachoka olo kumuchotsa takes part of the proceeds? Any proceeds of a fund raising activity for any organisation belongs to that organisation. Those that contributed were not contributing to individuals but to the church because these instruments were in the church inventory. Being part of the fund raising activity doesnt mean you own the proceeds, even if you donate something. so these people are thieves and cannot win this case in court. Mukakhala ena just return the equipment otherwise you will regret. This is free advice from an independent citizen.

7 years ago

Have u found out y anaimitsa praise team yo boss… Mudzafa ngati galu tu mphuma

7 years ago

TRUE, those are words of wisdom

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