Police arrest man for drawing tattoos on girls
Malawi Police Service in Lilongwe have arrested a 22-year-old man for allegedly drawing tattoos on girls.

Kanengo police public relations officer Esther Mkwanda says the 22-year-old man allegedly drew tattoos on thighs of three primary school girls, all aged 13.
Mkwanda said the suspect, James Chasowa a.k.a. Jemudanga Tattoo, committed the offence between April and August 2020 in Area 25B where he lives.
“It is reported that teachers at Mvunguti Primary School noticed that some students had about 22 tattoos and decided to call their parents through the school committee of which only three parents showed up.
“They later referred them to Kanengo Police Station,” she said.
In their statements, the girls stated that they willingly went to Chasowa’s house for tattoos and paid him K300 each after admiring their friends who went there before.
Chasowa, who comes from Enukweni in Mzimba, will appear before court soon to answer a charge of indecent assault contrary to Section 137 (1) of the Penal code.
But law expert, Sunduzwayo Madise said on social networking site Facebook wall, that he doubted the state has a strong case against the suspect to stand in a court.
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Nkhani ndiyoti aphunzitsiwo anawona bwanji tatoo pantchafupo
So the whole so called Law Expert Sunduswayo Madise does not see that all these are under age girls. Imeneyi ndiye law ya pa Nyasaland.
What does under age have to do with drawing tattoos? If you’re failing to parent your little girls, that’s not the tattoo man’s fault. That’s your fault.
Please Malawi keep on maintaining our cultural values, I don’t see anything wrong to arest this tattoo artist this is a total embarrassement
How did the teachers notice these tattoos on the girls thighs. Was it not indecent assault. And again publishing such a photo, are the teachers not committing a crime. So is the police not seeing any case in these
I don’t think the man stopped at drawing tattoos, I suspect he may also have groped the kids. Now whether the kids consented or not that’s no excuse
Za suspecting zakozo uzipangira kwanu. Kukula komweko ungabwere pano kumazawauza anthu za zophika mmutu kwako???
That charge is irrelevant when you come to think that the girls (customers) wilfully visited his business place in order to look for a service, which apparently was getting tattooed. Was he going to be arrested if the tattoos were found on boys thighs or crotches? Do you arrest/charge beer sellers for making people drunk? Having a tattoo inscribed on a girls thigh is nothing. Others have them on their breasts, buttocks, stomach and ……., so what is strange with having one on the outer thigh. Mwasowa milandu eti? Kuli anthu olakwa osati ngati uyu. If you start arresting the… Read more »
You must be stupid person. How about hygiene wise? Did these girls check if the equipment was safe? It is like selling alcohol to a 5yr old just because the 5yr old went in the bar and asked for alcohol. Children are meant to be protected because they do not know the implications of some things. Did they know that tattoes are permanent? This guy could have easily said NO, to the girls because they were under age.
If you have been to some developed countries, one needs are licence to be a tatto artist.
You fool! Have you ever seen a 5-year old going into a pub? Idiot.
It’s you who is an idiot. Where in our laws where tattooing is age oriented. Kuboola ndolo is tattooing . Have you ever heard some one was arrested for doing. Kusowa chochita. Preoccupied with stupid things that can’t add value to our country
It’s you who is stupid
So, if a 10 year old boy walks into a bar willingly and wants to buy beer he should be sold because he walked into the bar willingly? What kind of thinking is this? These are underage children, so he needed consent from their parents.
Not true
If a 10 year old goes to a pub,the problem is parenting.
10 year old going to pub?
How many parents responded to the call by the school?
That should tell you something.
Tattoo artist has no case to answer to the state.The right people to bring a case are the parrents.
It’s civil not criminal to tatoo a minor without parental consent.
But knowing Malawi parents they will sue not because they care about their children,but about the money
First of all these are under age kids he certainly needed permission from their parents to do Tattoos, secondly these under age or immature kids goes to an adults house without parents knowing and out of all places he puts the tattoos on the thighs? These girls had to half undress for the tatoos to be made. Do we know what else happened? ..there is a need to probe further lastly who gave these girls the money for tattoos? How did the teachers saw the tattoos on the thighs?
No….your wrong