Police arrest Mangochi councillor over K2.8mil
Police in Mangochi have arrested a councillor who reported that thieves had stolen K2.8 million development fund.

Mangochi police station officer Elijah Kachikuwo confirmed Shadreck Banda, who had days earlier reported that thieves broke into his room at a lodge in Mangochi and stole the money, is now in police hands.
“There are several questions he needs to answer. There are several issues we need to find out.
“ Why is it that he took all that money and decided to put up at a lodge? How does the Mangochi district council disburse development money, does the council give to a single person like thar? There are several unanswered questions,” he said.
Banda reported that the money, which he said was meant for payment of workers who did development work in his area, was stolen on the night of February 10 and 11, 2016.
Kachikuwo said it was surprising that council officials say they did not give the councillor the money.
“They are saying they do not know about the money, this is surprising,” said Kachikuwo.
He said although Banda is a complainant, the law enforcers arrested him because of the unaswered questions.
Kachikuwo said the police have not recovered the money neither have they suspected the suspected thieves.
Zinthcito za mijomba izi. nthawi zonse kuba Basi, anzanu ayesele chitukuko inuyo you are not interested ndiye dziko lingatukuke chonchi? mijomba mijomba mijomba
Alibe kwawo apo amakagona ku lodge?wakuba ameneyu.mbuuuuzi…
That is the way to go. Nkhani isathele kwa Councillor. The source of the money has to be established and how it left council offices. The banks that released the cash should be investigated. Cashgate was happening at the behest of many banks that were profiteering from bank charges and yet the current investigations dont seem to target them. They have to account for their commissions and ommissions during the Cashgate scandal and they be fined heavily. If government through ACB does not do this mabvuto ndiwomwewa tikuwonawa nobody wants to trust Malawi with their tax-payers money. These banks need… Read more »
plz follow ths untill the end paja a police amakudyetsan chibazi mot akangokupatsani ka k20 000 nkhani imene itha a police akumalawi dyera kuvetsetsa muva kut wa police akukhudzdwa
weakness ya council imeneyo. Accounts kulibe?
Kodi inu Mr. Elija Kachikuwo nanga yanu milandu yomwe munasolola MK400 million Ku National Headquarters nthawi ya BINGU uli pati…….kapena uli mu MK577 billion…..mwafasakotu Ku Mangochiko olo osasokomola kuti mukubisalila kumeneko
Councils are devil thieves….moat councillors are like this conniving council members to rob the government
Apolice anyani inu mukamange mphawi ngati iyi chifukwa cha ka 2.8million pomwe a cash gate mukungoazungulira? mkabudula mwanu nonse
Wakuba ameneyu, most Councillors in the country are thieves and not development initiators. Amapita ku ma Council kumakawaopseza ma Civil Servants pomwe iwo ndi ma Volunteer @ Boma. Bravo Mangochi Police for a job well done koma tikufuna timve mathero ankhaniyi. There are More Councillors who do that koma very soon they will be embarrassed. There are even few Council Officials who connive with illiterate councillors to steal money in assemblies/councils meant for development. Bola nkhuku zimenezi zikanati zisasankhidwe coz most of them sadziwa udindo wawo ngakhale they were oriented….