Police arrest protester with lethal weapons for HRDC demos
January 16, 2020
Owen Khamula -Nyasa Times 53 Comments
Malawi Police in Lilongwe have arrested a protester with lethal weapons he was found with in cartons on his way to the Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) sanctioned protests.
Richard Moyo who was found with 25 catapults
Police say they are keeping in custody 43-year-old Richard Moyo who was found with 25 catapults, 17 stones and machaka, 11 knives among others.
The law enforcers say they pitched an adhoc road block at Njewa where they searched each and every passenger of vehicles and Moyo had these weapons in a minibus from Mpingu.
Armed Malawi Defense Force and Malawi Police Service have also a joint operation road block mounted at Kapani – Roberts at Kanengo, in Lilongwe.
Both the army and police officers are searching both public and private vehicles entering into the city.
Apart from the thorough search of vehicles they are also searching people travelling with hand luggage.
Lengeni kugulitsa ndi manati ndi miyala.
.Zimachitika kuti izi?
5 years ago
LETHAL???!!! If these are lethal then mfuti ndi Weapon of Mass destruction…..WMD Kukakamula!!!
Angoni apaphata
5 years ago
Komatu kunena zoona munthuyu mmene akuonekeramu nanunso apolisi mudzikhala ndi manyazi. Malegeni awiri mkhosi ngati zilidi zida zoopsya mutumizeni ku karonga akateteze nyanja kwa ma taifa a nundwe athandize ntchito ikukukanikaniyi
James mulima
5 years ago
Umatitu uchenjere lero ndi zimenezi,,pamenepo kuzuzisa mkaz ndi ana nkhn yake ya ziii…
Amupanga bwino
Mangochi Kabwafu
5 years ago
The man might have been on his way to selling these ma legeni. When did these become LETHAL WEAPONS? or do you even know what a lethal weapon is? Sad that Malawi has these MBUZI as law enforcers. It’s about time the country started recruiting educated police officers.
Surely mtundu oti umaenda ndi zikwanje, zibonga ndi nkhwangwa nkumatema anthu olephera kuyankha ma sign language awo will not find it odd and suspicious for a man to carry catapults with its stones in an HRDC demo bound lorry! By the way didn’t you hear during last week HRDC demos kuti security officers were attacked and seriously injured by the same catapults? Ine I am now 100% sure that HRDC, MCP and UTM just want to bring chaos in Malawi and sadly they are enjoying state protection. With the already high political tension and fast approaching D-Day (judgement day) the… Read more »
Achewa ambiri ngozelezeka, chongonva kuti kuli ma demo iwo akuona ngati ulenje. Ma demo si ulenje achewa woti mpaka munyamule carton ya machaka ndi malegeni. Kunvetsa chisoni, ulendo okapeleka kalata kwa director of ACB, legeni yachani?
5 years ago
A Chewa,
Zikufikitsani pati izi? Mukupepelatu mmalo moti mulimbikile kulima fodya. Ndipo ndikukaika kuti kodi ogula fodyawo abwera chaka chino ndi zipolowe mukuchita inuzi?
5 years ago
Malegeni sitigulitsa ndi miyala yomwe, tamuoneni munthu kunzunzikira nkhani za weni, ndi ufa omwe kunyumba alibenso. mmalo momakapalira chimanga kumunda kulimbana ndi ma demon, next year muzizati njala boma lalephera, pali nzeru?????
Police’s definition of “Lethal Weapons” is too childish and laughable. Was Moyo going to distribute them to protestors?
Release the man for heaven’s sake.
5 years ago
This is Malawi police cadet and Dpp propangand just try to damange the image of demos.
Lengeni kugulitsa ndi manati ndi miyala.
.Zimachitika kuti izi?
LETHAL???!!! If these are lethal then mfuti ndi Weapon of Mass destruction…..WMD Kukakamula!!!
Komatu kunena zoona munthuyu mmene akuonekeramu nanunso apolisi mudzikhala ndi manyazi. Malegeni awiri mkhosi ngati zilidi zida zoopsya mutumizeni ku karonga akateteze nyanja kwa ma taifa a nundwe athandize ntchito ikukukanikaniyi
Umatitu uchenjere lero ndi zimenezi,,pamenepo kuzuzisa mkaz ndi ana nkhn yake ya ziii…
Amupanga bwino
The man might have been on his way to selling these ma legeni. When did these become LETHAL WEAPONS? or do you even know what a lethal weapon is? Sad that Malawi has these MBUZI as law enforcers. It’s about time the country started recruiting educated police officers.
Goliath was killed by David who threw a stone onto his forehead!
Iwe mbuzi ndthu
Surely mtundu oti umaenda ndi zikwanje, zibonga ndi nkhwangwa nkumatema anthu olephera kuyankha ma sign language awo will not find it odd and suspicious for a man to carry catapults with its stones in an HRDC demo bound lorry! By the way didn’t you hear during last week HRDC demos kuti security officers were attacked and seriously injured by the same catapults? Ine I am now 100% sure that HRDC, MCP and UTM just want to bring chaos in Malawi and sadly they are enjoying state protection. With the already high political tension and fast approaching D-Day (judgement day) the… Read more »
Amapita kukagulitsa kutawuni…..ndiye anagokwera nawo galimoto ya a mademo…….ndiyogwira kwambiritu mukhoti!!
Tinawonera Goodall akuwombola gogo mnzake Chapondatu!!!
Achewa ambiri ngozelezeka, chongonva kuti kuli ma demo iwo akuona ngati ulenje. Ma demo si ulenje achewa woti mpaka munyamule carton ya machaka ndi malegeni. Kunvetsa chisoni, ulendo okapeleka kalata kwa director of ACB, legeni yachani?
A Chewa,
Zikufikitsani pati izi? Mukupepelatu mmalo moti mulimbikile kulima fodya. Ndipo ndikukaika kuti kodi ogula fodyawo abwera chaka chino ndi zipolowe mukuchita inuzi?
Malegeni sitigulitsa ndi miyala yomwe, tamuoneni munthu kunzunzikira nkhani za weni, ndi ufa omwe kunyumba alibenso. mmalo momakapalira chimanga kumunda kulimbana ndi ma demon, next year muzizati njala boma lalephera, pali nzeru?????
Police’s definition of “Lethal Weapons” is too childish and laughable. Was Moyo going to distribute them to protestors?
Release the man for heaven’s sake.
This is Malawi police cadet and Dpp propangand just try to damange the image of demos.