Police question individual for demanding prosecution of IMF in the country

Police in Lilongwe have questioned an individual who is waging a sole vigorous campaign to have the International Monetary Fund (IMF) officials prosecuted.


IMF says it feels threatened with the action by the concerned citizen, Denis Mahata.

Mahata is demanding for the removal of the International Monetary Fund’s immunity for it to be prosecuted for allegedly committing crimes against the people of Malawi.

Mahata gave the IMF Malawi country office a 14-day ultimatum to respond to his petition.

He said failure to comply with his letter leaves the people of Malawi with no choice but to use what he calls “civil power” to ensure justice prevails.

Mahata has confirmed meeting police officers under the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at Area 30 to appreciate his side of the story and was asked to drop the case, a request he turned down.

National police spokesperson Peter Kalaya said he needed more time before commenting on the matter.

But inside sources from the police said IMF feels threatened by the allegations.

Mahata is pushing for the waiver of IMF’s legal immunity so it can be sued on crimes against the prosperity of the people, the sovereignty and sustainable future of the country among others.


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