Poly student makes innovation to ease mobility in hospitals

In an effort to show that engineers are indeed problem solvers, a Polytechnic second year Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Energy) student Immanuel Magombo has developed a prototype which he calls Umbrella wheel chair bed.

Magombo: Umbrella wheel chair bed

This is a design which is made using metal and other raw materials to produce a structure which could be adjusted from a wheel chair to a bed and vice versa.

According to Magombo, he decided to come up with this invention when he noticed that hospital staff have challenges in transporting patients around the hospital especially those that are critically ill.

“This wheel chair bed will act as a two in one thing where by it can be used to move the patient in places where a bed could not fit. It will also have an adjustable switch which when pressed could turn it into a bed for the comfortability of the patient,” Magombo said.

Currently, Magombo is looking for interested stake holders who would like to sponsor or fund this project, so that he can come up with right sizes wheelchair beds for the hospitals in Malawi.

Taking into consideration that this is just a representation of an idea, Magombo explained that in addition to this, he would like to augment a built-in umbrella for patients who would like to sit outside or move around the hospital premises.

After learning about this idea, the Polytechnic Design Studio Manager Hilary Lodzanyama explained that it is a good invention which when scaled up, could be dynamic in the country’s hospitals.

He further explained that as an institution, it is working on policies which could protect the innovative ideas of students from being copied unnecessarily.

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5 years ago

I don’t see anything here, let’s be realistic

5 years ago

Congratulations. We need more of such think tanks osati zomangolongolola

5 years ago

congratulations youngman, learning to change lives is what is needed. Keep on researching

5 years ago

Good one.

5 years ago

Wow !!! This is good news. May the almighty Lord continue giving you more wisdom.

5 years ago

The problem with our journalist; why are you posting without further investigation. We were supposed to see a twisted chair into a bed.

To the innovator; this is good but in this century, I think we need to be thinking of automation. People say that they have invented a thing which at the end of the day it just add problems to mankind. If an electric motor was added to this wheel chair-bed, I believe it could have gone a long way in helping our disabled people

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