Pope Francis appoints Tambala new bishop for Zomba Dioece
The Holy Father, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church, has appointed as the new Bishop of Zomba diocece, the Reverend Father George Desmund Tambala.
Archbishop Thomas Msusa remains in-charge of the diocese until the bishop-elect ‘takes possession of the Episcopal See of Zomba’.
The bishop-designate Tambala belongs to the Order of the Carmelite Discalced (OCD) and becomes the first priest from that Order in the country to be promoted to the high office of a bishop.
The position of bishop of Zomba Diocese fell vacant after Msusa was appointed to head the Archdiocese of Blantyre.
Details of the installation of the new Bishop of Zomba will be announced later by the Apostolic Nunciature in Malawi.
Ambuye tambala takunyadirani ngakhale limodzi sumbula ndi dark corner
Many Congratulations to the Bishop Elect, Fr. George. I like the picture that Nyasa times put here. That is how the Bishop Elect appears, almost at all the times. A messenger of Good tidings! Our hierarchy has been blessed with yet another excellent leader. All glory and praise to Him.
A ‘Tsokankanansi’ the Catholic Chorch is Holy -Kuwala and some other church members of other churches are Mdima. They aren’t happy with Kuwalako so akufuna kuthimitsa kuwalako to introduce darkness that is impossible.
No matter how dark it can be Light will be light. light chases mdima.
Ukamva anthu-followers of darkness, akunena nena ndiye kuti alim’mavuto aakulu. Cholinga cha mdima ndi kuthimitsa Kuwala so that Mdima uzilamulira. T
his will not happen.
’31’ kunena kuti Holy chimatanthauza kuti munthu wosankhulidwa. Mawu woti holy ali ndi matanthauzo ambiri mukawerenga dictionary. Pali mawu ngati ‘bala’ amatanthauza chilonda komanso amatanthauza bereka Eg Mtsikanayu wa bala khanda la nthete kapena mwendo wangawu uli ndi bala.
Holy means ‘Woyera’ komanso ‘Wopatulidwa’. Papa ndi wopatulidwa pokhala mtsogoleri komanso sitingaweruze, timakhulupilira kuti ndi woyera. Holy apa chikutanthauza kuti wosankhidwa. Werengani momwe walembere munthu wodziwa Baibolo pa no ’35’. Sukulu ya baibulo njofunika zedi. Enawa amangoti akaphunzira baibolo zaka ziwiri basi akuti nda abusa. Ndi anthu oterewa omwe amakupombonezani maganizo kikikikikiki
Bishop elect George Tambala was my class mate at Holy Cross preparatory seminay -Ulongwe with our rector Father Zeno Kuwiri (May His Soul Rest In Peace). The guy was seen from his youth days that one day awa azakhala ambuye ndithu. Welldone comrade for rising so high in the priestly ladder. You make me fell holy as well mesho. God bless you with abundant wisdom and knowledge as you pastor His flock. Amen
All Catholics are evil and they pray to false gods bars and idles, shame on them, they pretend not to marry but the so called priests are busy in chigololo giving pregnancies unlawfully and they are the founders of condoms. shame on they and may the Almighty God perish all the Catholics for teaching this fake religion.
In the Old Testament the Hebrew Kadosch (holy) meant being separated from the secular or profane, or dedication to God’s service, as Israel was said to be holy because it was the people of God. The holiness of God identified his separation from all evil. And among creatures they are holy by their relation to him. Holiness in creatures is either subjective or objective or both. It is subjective essentially by the possession of divine grace and morally by the practice of virtue. Objective holiness in creatures denotes their exclusive consecration to the service of God: priests by their ordination,… Read more »
Iwe Khobidi, dont be stupid. You are too small to make such critics. If you worship in the right way, then go ahead and freely practice you religion, but dont poke in other peoples noses. Khala chete. After all we ve known who you are and your denomination. Mukhala chomwecho. Ntchito kutchuka ndi kukwelana mumpingo.
Takunyadirani ambuye wosankhidwa zabwino zonse.
Ine ndi nkatolika koma ndikufuna Mulungu anditsekule maso kuti ndione kuti kodi ndichifukwa chiyani anzathu a mipingi inawa amakonda kutinena kuti ndife mbuli pa bible. Kodi ngati anzathuwa amatinena zabodza, nanga ndichifukwa chiani akuluakulu athu samayankha kapena kutsutsa quoting verses from the bible?
Chonde ine ndikufuna kuti ndidziwe zoonadi zake za mu baibulo ndipo akumpingo wangawu ndiuzeni zoonadi zake zakuti Papa ndi Woyera, zinalembedwa pati mu baibulo kuti Papa ndi Woyera. Chonde akufuna kwabwino tamandilemberaniko nkhani za mu baibulo pa internet pa tiphunzire nawo tingadzachite ngati za masiku a Nowa pamene anthu sanalowe mu chombo chopulumukilamo.