Premier Bet hands over synthetic netball court to BDNC

Premier Bet Malawi has handed over a newly installed synthetic netball court to Blantyre and District Netball Committee (BDNC) at a ceremony that took place at Blantyre Youth Centre (BYC) on Friday morning.


Speaking after handing over the facility, Affiliate Programmes Manager at Premier Bet Malawi, Jonathan Katunga, said his company was committed to giving back to the community.

“As part of our corporate social responsibility, we thought it wise to do something about netball. When the Malawi National Council of Sports contacted us, we felt duty bound to come in and do this. It is very possible that we can do the same in Lilongwe and Mzuzu,” said Katunga.

Chairperson for Blantyre and Districts Netball Committee who is also Interim President for the Netball Association of Malawi (NAM), Vitumbiko Gubuduza, said she was excited to see the initiative being realised.

“The floor was hard and it was causing quite a number of injuries. This new court will make it possible for the players to have a longer player life, less injuries and make them focus on their play and not necessarily looking after injuries,” she said.

Chief Executive Officer for the Malawi National Council of Sports, Dr Henry Kamata, said it was important to appreciate what Premier Bet Malawi has done.

Said Dr Kamata:“As Malawi National Council of Sports, we will provide additional security to ensure that nothing misses from this court.”

Quizzed on why he asked for more of the same in the central and southern regions of the country, Dr Kamata said it was necessary for players to have equal and fair platform for competitions.

“When you have uneven playing fields, it brings in unfair advantage to others. If we have courts like this one in all the regions, we will have fair platforms for competitions. That’s why I have asked Premier Bet to extend the same to the central region and the northern region,” he said.

Netball is the most followed sporting discipline in Malawi after football.

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