Premier Bet Malawi partners Wizards FC

Wizards Football Club has signed a 1-year open agreement with Premier Bet Malawi which will see the betting company meet all operational costs of the club.

Done deal:Wizards and Premier Bet Malawi
Done deal:Wizards and Premier Bet Malawi

Speaking to reporters in Blantyre after announcing the deal, Operations Director for Premier Bet Malawi Joao Morales said they felt the need to support Wizards F.C as a way of giving back to the community.

“We are an international company that believes in giving back to the community where we are working. We have had discussions with Wizards F.C’s Technical Director Peter Mponda and were swayed by their mission statement. As a profit making company, we believe this will be a win-win deal bearing in mind that football is like a community,” said Morales flanked by his staff.

In his remarks, Wizards F.C Chairman Hophman Kondowe said the deal is timely as they are on a mission to finish among the top ten teams in the league.

“This is a great day to Wizards F.C family. We hope the deal will motivate our players achieve our targets. We hope to safeguard this partnership,” said Kondowe.

In the agreement, Premier Bet Malawi will meet operational costs of the club which includes training allowances, accommodation and transportation during away games and salaries of the players.

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8 years ago

bravo mjojo

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