Primary school in Mulanje experiences high absenteeism due to jiggers flea
A primary school in Mulanje high rate of absenteeism due to jiggers flea which has affected 451 learners and one teacher.

The head teacher at Muloza primary school, Paul Mbendera said 300 of the 351 learners are not attended classes due to jiggers whilst a teacher had to be absent for a week when she was hit by the disease.
“We want the authorities to come out of their comfort zones and help these learners. The high rate of absenteeism is a matter of concern but looks like the authorities do not care but the future of these children is in their education,” said Mbendera.
Mbendera als asked non state actors like Unicef and World Vision to come forward and deal with the situation which he said is now getting out of hand.
Health surveillance assistant for Muloza Health Centre Shadreck Manyamba said health officials are doing civic education to sensitize communities on how to prevent the jiggers.
Jiggers flea has no medication.
The disease is usually caused by livestock like pigs and people are advised to take care of their livestock as well as observe high standards of hygiene and sanitation.
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Kkkkk… Matekenya avuta ku Lhomwebelt. Paramount Ngolongoliwa give Mulli an executive order to release funds for medication. Anthu anu akuvutika muli (not Mulli) ndi ma billionaire lo lo lo. APM, Ben Phiri et all, all those billions you’re stealing and you can’t think of your fellow lhomwes villagers when it comes to sharing eh? Matekenya denotes lack of hygiene and umbuli. Ogo ine Alhomwe!!! Isaaaa!!! Watoyijaja imeneyo!!!
A LHOMWE,this is due to lack of hygiene
Plague of the 1960s. Why today. Our health systems are crumbling. What is Atupele doing? He is the one who should resign. We also have a scabies outbreak. Again disease of the 1960. I fear we shall soon hear of Small Pox, God forbid.