Prophet Bushiri warns Malawi President Mutharika: ‘Stop using me as a shield to divert people’s attention’

Leader and founder of Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church, Prophet Bushiri has strongly warned Peter Mutharika led-government to concentrate on improving the welfare of Malawians other than spending time in character assisination campaign against him and his ministry to divert attention.

Major 1 Bushiri : Speaks out
Major 1 Bushiri : Speaks out

Bushiri reaction comes after various false accusations against the ‘Major 1’ manufactured reportedly by the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) propaganda machine.

Among others, the propaganda and disinformation team of DPP has been attacking Bushiri, a move that people have described as a way of diverting people’s attention from the main challenges Malawi is facing.

“I always pray for Malawi against the spirit of jealous that has surrounded our beautiful nation. It seems people love to see their fellows suffering with poverty and all sorts of problems. It is unfortunately to note that my own government that I am supposed to work with to uplift the welfare of people in Malawi is fighting me, spending millions just to make sure my name is put out their for the negative reasons,” said Bushiri.

“I know people who are doing this and I know their counter parts in South Africa who are also being paid heavily [through Malawi tax payers money] to write bad things about me. Their main aim is to remove the focus of people from the current pressing issues Malawi is facing. They simply want to make Malawians busy talking about issues which are unfounded  like the lies about  me.”

He continued:“They lied I killed Grace Chinga Moffat and the whole country stopped talking of the hunger and spoke badly about me. They have linked me to Cashgate corruption cases and say I use Cashgate money for my business. Its funny because the figures mentioned can’t even pay for a jet, which I have quite few of them.

“Last time I was in Malawi, I was chased and if it wasn’t for my well trained security guys, I would have suffered physical abuse by DPP agents. What is that I haven’t gone through, last time I was helping people in Mzuzu I couldn’t even be allowed to land in the country, I had to land in Tanzania and drive all the way and I was heavily searched on the boarder. It makes me wonder why the whole government spends sleepless nights just to fight me for doing my work as a man of God and responsible citizen,” continued the prophet.

“They also spoke that I get my wealth through witch doctors yet the so called witch doctors are way poor like them.  It’s just a pity that instead of fighting hunger, corruption and the challenges Malawi is facing, they are fighting me and spending resources on me. God fights my battles and I don’t remember losing any. This too will pass and I will surely have the final laugh after them all,” explained Major, a recipient of Best Contribution Awards in Humanitarian Aid, in and outside Malawi at the Malawi Achievers Awards SA Edition.

“I am dedicated to help people. I now warn DPP that they are calling for problems they can’t handle. Biblically, Elijah once hid from his tribe for a number of years until he couldn’t take it. I feel like Elijah now and when I kneel down on my altar to ask God to intervene, it will not be good for the DPP government

“I have been quite for so long, now I will stand up and protect my name and I will be coming back to Malawi to continue from where I left. I know what problems are because I have experienced them. I was there in Malawi struggling for my rise and everyone called me a poor prophet, now that I made it through hard work and my faith in God, somebody thinks it is blood money, like really?

“I have been accused about different things I have no idea of. I know most Malawians know and understand the effort I put through to achieve whatever I have despite few people also working to disturb the minds of others. I believe most of you have been on my official business website:  where everything about my business is explained. It’s a pity that people choose to believe lies when the truth is right in their faces,” concluded the man of God.

A lot of Malawians have also joined and lamented with the man of God who is seen to be DPP’s number one enermy above everyone.

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robert taylor
robert taylor
8 years ago

The Name Prophet Bushiri is the only good thing that comes out from the impoverish Malawi..

caka cina
caka cina
8 years ago

Witch doctors they tolarete because they always go there for the so called jujus they use and are never told about there sins, the people we call our leaders are so selfish and stupid, they don’t care about us when we vote for them, major one, they are jealous, they can’t understand you, they are far from even know a simple verse, I won’t be surprised to find out that most of these IDIOTS supporting these useless selfish morons are their relatives, when others are suffering, others are celebrating about it, shame on you, God will vindicate us.

8 years ago

Everybody is a man of God

8 years ago

Thank you Papa for answering this fools, they think you are scared of them, God is your defender…

8 years ago

zoona man of God

8 years ago

Pray and make this mathanyula perish major one…

Philla Bigbrother
Philla Bigbrother
8 years ago
Reply to  Joloza

Major 1 Major Major Major

8 years ago

Even Jesus was rejected in Nazareth after he read the book of Isaiah which after reading, they were all filled with wrath and wanted to throw him off the City through a high cliff. But Jesus carried on with his Mission without being angry with those that opposed him. Bushiri should just follow the examples of Jesus who never prayed for a revenge from God for all those who persecuted him.

8 years ago

Prophet,we love you and we pray for you.God will fight all your battles and you shall be still.Whether they call you fake or whatever names,we have accepted you as you are, our Prophet and we shall not be moved,shame to those who are boot likers of politicians&get paid to write nosense about you,please expose them.Its high time let them face the consequences now.

8 years ago

Bushiri started it himself. By being involved with Joyce Banda on political issues he deserved to be dealt politically as well. So he should not by sympathy now. He joined politics indirectly

Pastor Bright Mkandawire
Pastor Bright Mkandawire
8 years ago

Its interesting to note how the so called man of God goes so low to talk in press releases about the government and its leadership. For those in Malawi, they will testify that there is no single day the President has mentioned his name publicly and insinuated as such. The President has been so focused at addressing problems rocking Malawi because of Cashgate and other elements like drought and donor pull out. As a man of God, he needed to know that his battles can only be fought by the Almighty God and not through senseless press releases which are… Read more »

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