Prophet Kambale takes miracles, healing service to Kamuzu Institute after healing 5 cripples
Powerful founder of Life International Church, Prophet Amos Kambale will, for two Sundays effective March 17, 2024, take the miracle power of God to Kamuzu Institute for Sports in a service dubbed “No More Stagnation!”

The two Sundays of healing and miracle services at the institute follow a successful healing service at Mbinzi Community Day Secondary School Hall where five cripples received restoration and walked home without any aid.
The healing of the five was received with wild celebrations mixed with tears of joy on March 10, 2024, as all the Prophet was doing to the cripples when he faced them was to say, “rise up and walk in Jesus name!”
And the church choir and the audience erupted into the song, “Yenda Iwe yenda, Siliva ndilibe koma mwa Yesuyo Yenda”.
Mr. C Mbewe all the way from Mtakataka, Dedza had been having problems with walking due to Tuberculosis for 3 years, he would always use clutches to walk. But immediately after being prayed for, he was all over walking in the church without any support. Even when the service was over he carried his clutches by himself in a biblical carry your mat and go style (John 5:8-9).
Mr Sangala from came all the way from Mayani Dedza, had multiple diseases confirmed that he had been having cough, chest pain for some months. He could not flex or bend let alone dance, had been in different hospitals but nothing happened, but immediately after being prayed for he was healed, he was seen dancing doing many press ups for the first time without pains in front of the church confirming that indeed Jesus has healed him.
Mr T. Singini from Kawale had been diagnosed with gout for over a period of time, he finished 3 medical books, he could flex or bend his fingers or joints, he had been on different medications but on Sunday after being prayed for all the pain left him and was able to bend or flex the fingers plus joins without any pain while the rest of the congregation was looking.
Mr Byson Phiri, from 2021 while in South Africa was diagnosed with high blood pressure, later in January 2022 he came back and has been visiting kamuzu central hospital where many tests including x-rays but nothing was found after diagnosis yet he continued having excruciating pains and difficulties in walking. He was taking different drugs but his condition was never bettered. When he heard of what God is doing at Life International Church he came and the moment the Prophet touched him, he was whole again and he walked without any support and was able to flex his body as well.
Mr S. Vasha from area 36, he fall sick in 2001, later in 2005 he was diagnosed to have gout, 2021 x-rays were done and was told that he should be doing exercises but due to severe pain he stopped. And was using support to walk. On Sunday, 10 March, after being prayed for, all the pain was gone and was able to walk freely.
George Mailosi from area 36, Lilongwe he was a Muslim in the first place and life international church is his first church to have ever entered. For the period of three years, George had been having pain with his throat where by was just vomiting blood. Last time was hospitalised and vomitted almost close to 3 litres. He could not walk fast or run, could not work properly and mostly could leave daily tasks unfinished this was confirmed by his friend Yohane Kalipinde. Mr George tried many ways even using traditional medicine but to no avail and he concluded that only God knows. But he heard of Prophet Kambale. Since he was prayed for he has never coughed blood again, he’s able to walk fast, run and even he’s able to finish his daily tasks at work.
A good section of the attendees were thanking God saying since they attended Prophet Kambale’s church, their financial lives have greatly improved.
Mrs Dolika Levison, had been working for five months without getting paid, but on 29th February 2024 she was prayed for and she came to confirm that all her money’s were paid in full 3 days after being prayed for by the Prophet.
Some weeks ago, a man Hastings Sosola who stayed 8 years without working after graduating with Human Resources Management degree, travelled all the way from Blantyre to Lilongwe to meet the prophet, now has found a job and he has also been asked to attend two other interviews this week after being prayed for by the prophet in church.
Another man from Kasungu who attended last Sunday service, saw a missed call while in church. Immediately after the service he went out and found that someone was disturbed to pay back him millions of kwachas, he owed. He was paid the same day, this is the creditor he had written off.
When Prophet Kambale was asked why he decided to take the church services away from his usual venue to Kamuzu Institute for Sports on 17th and 24th March, 2024 from 8AM he Prophet said he wants also to reach out to the people of that other side of Lilongwe around the Institute with the message of salvation of Jesus Christ. Music will be by the church’s choir and Skeffa Chimoto will be the guest artist.
Apart from the Lilongwe congregants, last Sunday service was patronized by 20 people from Chiradzulu, Balaka, Ntheu, Dedza, Mchinji, Mzimba, Mangochi, Kasungu Salima and Dowa.
Prophet Kambale claims to have powers to heal any disease, make one financially free and unite broken families.
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