Public applauds pump price decrease for petrol but decries continued scarcity of diesel
With effect from Thursday (September 15) pump price for petrol has reduced to K1,746 per litre from K1,946 — representing a 10.28%.
This comes after another reduction that was effected last month from K1,999 to K1,946 per litre. However, the price for diesel is still at K1,920 per litre, as according to a notice from Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA).

Paraffin for industrial use has also been maintained K1,261 per litre while the price for liquefied petroleum gas has been reduced with 4.62%, from K2,726 to K2,600.
While applauding the decision made, some Lilongwe citizens bemoaned that both petrol and diesel are scarce in the Capital City.
There are also long queues for diesel in Blantyre while petrol is available, with some residents hoping once diesel would be readily available, it should not affect availability of petrol.