Put Kabaza ban on hold, Dausi, Chiwaya tell Mangochi Town Council
Minister of Information and Communications Technology, Nicholas Dausi, and MP for Mangochi Central, Dr. Clement Chiwaya, have appealed to Mangochi Town Council to put on hold the impending ban on Kabaza operations in Mangochi town.

The two made the appeal on Thursday at Mangochi Stadium where President Prof. Peter Mutharika officially commissioned the One Stop Service Delivery Centre also known as the Mlambe Centre.
The issue was first raised by Chiwaya who appealed to the council to negotiate further with the Kabaza operators other than restricting them from operating in town.
“There has to be a better way of handling this issue but I feel banning Kabaza from operating in town is killing the operators who solely rely on the Kabaza for a living,” said Chiwaya, amid an applause from the crowd.
He continued: “My fear is that once kicked out of town to operate in the outskirts many, will fall redundant and they will turn into thieves and terrorize us.”
Later in his speech, Dausi underscored Chiwaya’s sentiments on the issue and the minister appealed to the Town Council Chief Executive Officer, Fanny Nsimuko, to always consult before implementing issues.
The resolution to ban Kabaza operation in Mangochi town was arrived at and endorsed by a Full Council Meeting in February following high rate of fatal road accidents around the town and, according to police records, most of these accidents were caused by carelessness of the Kabaza operators.
The resolution that was to be implemented from April 1 meant to ban the operation of Kabaza on any tarmac road around Mangochi town.
Following Dausi and Chiwaya’s appeal, the Kabaza operators Thursday evening brought traffic to a standstill for some time as they took to the streets in a procession celebrating ‘the victory’.
I feel bwana mp has a grudge towards madam dc, all the same this was not the right approach. And inu a Dausi ndeu iyi ndi ya ana simumayenera kulowelera.
One rides kabaza at his own risk because these kabaza operators don’t know traffic rules. Its amazing to me why govt allow kabaza operators to do lawful business on our roads without certifying them that they know traffic regulations. And even worse is the fact that many Malawians pedestrians don’t know which side of the road to walk but govt isn’t interested to use radio/tv plays like pamajiga to educate the public
Akufuna mavoti awa koma awuponda
Kabaza is a Business of poor malawians .while we appreciate the gesture taken by our two Hon members the same should apply to Kamuzu international airport where kabaza people have been afflicted by ADL Airport Development limited.
these people they just come to drop people but adl do take advantage to corruptly punish them
Guys I am amused, why there is dicentraisation in the country do executive have powers to control the resolution of the Council without consulting. I told you, dausi is the one who does not want people to to live he is not caring who has died and who is live. Because he seems like he has killed many in his life. That’s why mcp went down while he was saving in. Ife a dpp tichenjere
I feel the CEO for Mangochi and herteam team consulted enough to arrive at that resolution. The decision to ban Kabaza Operators, according to the article, was endorsed by the Full Council. I wonder what more consultations some politicians want these technical people to carry out. The main issue is that the Kabaza Operators are very careless on the roads in the town, causing unnecessary and preventable fatal accidents. A ban would be an ideal thing to do at the moment, to give room for the Council to come up with better ways for these people to operate safely on… Read more »
I agree. Life is more precious, and if we have the whole MP and Minister thinking retrospectively then we’ve a problem. Ask the newly appointed Deputy Inspector General of Police (Administration) Nyondo, how he resolved that issue in Kasungu and Mzuzu. Things changed and kabanza operators continued but with strict rules. I know politician are only interested in votes not the welfare of people concerned.
I wish our beloved late Bingu was here who could not tolerate to such nonsense. He used to clean our towns. He pushed out vendors from streets so what is so special with these kabaza.
Please leave these issues to operators otherwise this is Cheap politics. I feel sorry for the CEO.
Next time muzikakambirana kuchipinda zinthu ngati izi.
Days I should stick to blue color to avoid confusing MCP party colors
Sort out the challenges with transport provision first. These bike taxis are the most affordable option for now. Otherwise you’d rather work out an inclusive solution and not be harsh on the local operators
Towns will never develop with this kind of thinking. Why not engaging the DC in closed walls instead of making such s retrogressive “suggestion” at a rally? Our ministers, MPs will never mature. Cheap, very cheap politics
Why on hold, Malawi will not develop by like Dausi