Register to vote for UTM, urges MP Chiluba
The United Transformation Movement (UTM) in northern Malawi has called on all Malawians to register in the ongoing voter registration exercise.

UTM Executive Member Olipa Muyaba Chiluba who is also Mzimba North East Constituency Member of Parliament made the call in Mzuzu on Friday.
“ My fellow Malawians just coming and attending the rallies is not important but the important thing is that you should all go and register. If you do not register , you will not vote.
“The fact that you are coming to our meetings , our rallies , it means that you want Saulos Chilima to be our leader, so we are inviting each and everybody to go and register from here in the North and everywhere in the Country where they haven’t registered. It is the right of everyone to vote, so we should all go and register to vote,” said Muyaba Chiluba.
Meanwhile, Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) announced at a National Elections Consultative Forum (NECOF) convened in Blantyre on Friday that voter registration exercise which is now half way
complete has progressed well in most areas with 3, 721, 774 eligible voters registered representing 81 percent of the projected 4, 619, 174 registrations for the first four phases of the exercise.
MEC, however, admitted that Blantyre and parts of Lilongwe have registered a low registration turnout despite its various voter civic education efforts.
With four more phases to go before the voter registration exercise is complete nationwide, the MEC Chairperson Dr Jane Ansah Sc, in her speech delivered at the NECOF meeting reaffirmed MEC’s commitment to ensuring that all eligible voters in every corner of Malawi are accorded a chance to register and vote in next year’s tripartite elections.
Meanwhile the next phase, phase five, of voter registration is scheduled to run from September 2 to September 15 in Balaka, Neno, Thyolo, Luchenza Municipal, Phalombe and Mulanje.
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