Respect term limits, Mutharika tells African leaders

The African Union encourages all its member states to respect their constitutions as part of entrenching democracy on the continent, President Peter Mutharika has said.

President Mutharika: I was declared a winner and opposition are  not happy about it.
Mutharika was answering a question from one of member of the audience during after his address to the University of London’s School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) where he was asked of his opinion on leaders trying to extend their term limits.
‘I don’t know why someone would want to stick around after completing their terms. But as AU we encourage leaders to respect their constitutions.
“In my own I strongly believe after two terms, one should pave way for others and let them contribute also,’ said the Malawi President whose second term re-election is being challenged by opposition parties.
Mutharika said he had asked opposition leaders to come together to find political settlement to ongoing violent demonstrations they had been backing, adding that it was imperative to let the courts adjudicate on the matter as presented to it.
‘I was declared a winner and they were not happy about it. But we can only leave it to courts. On our part as politicians let us come together and work together to preserve peace in Malawi. Malawi is a peaceful nation we have had no tribal or ethnic divisions,’ said Mutharika.
The President was who was in his best form tackling all questions and extra, said his passion is to leave office with a happy Malawi that had their lives improved through education, skills transfer and rural development.
‘Majority of our people live in rural areas. I want almost 50% of all children leaving primary school to go to secondary by 2023. I want every constituency to have a rural skills college. I want strong rural economy that is diversified that is why 700,000 farmers will move from subsistence to commercial farming through a project I have recently launched,’ said the President.
Answering a question on infrastructure development that one of prominent Malawians Dr. Mpalive Msiska said he had noted across Malawi during his visit, Mutharika said the focus on rural development would require good roads and infrastructure to support it

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5 years ago

I don’t know Peter wants to stick around for the second term after he failed Malawians the first one please step down sir tipped you were not voted a president

Mangochi Kabwafu
Mangochi Kabwafu
5 years ago

Anthu amamva koma ndikupanda mano nkamwa?

5 years ago

He will be lucky to finish his two terms!

5 years ago

That’s a recommendable job. Bribing the Judges is a criminal case as such these people to but questioned. And brought to book.They are very selfish and only think of themselves and nothing else. Even if they see all Malawians dying they will be happy. Very stupid people kabisa

5 years ago

Mphunoyo ngati akufwenkha kubowo la Jefu wa Jefu

richard mwandira
richard mwandira
5 years ago

mmmmmmm we can respects terms if u won without irregularities we can respewct indeed but if u steal votes do you think we can respect?

5 years ago

The President lied that:
(1) Mw was developing
(2) 95% of the population live in rural
(3) he had won elections
(4)) was no tribal division
(5) he had called opposition to resolve the deadlock

5 years ago


phillips wanga
phillips wanga
5 years ago

Chotsani chithunzi ichi kukamwa ngati utaka wa dzuwa,kulowa ntchentchetu uku.

phillips wanga
phillips wanga
5 years ago

Identify yourself Putrid cadet,the likes of thom mpinganjira let your be petrol bombed tonight.Chimlomwe chachabechabe chalemba nkhani iyi.Ana ako onse afunika kuchitidwa Msundwe-msundwe.

Razor chakwera
5 years ago
Reply to  phillips wanga

Mulungu akuyendeleni akulu inu

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