Rev Chakwera’s ministry vows to fight against legalisation of homosexuality, abortion
A newly registered Christian ministry called The Truth on fire says its ready and committed to fight tooth and nail in defending biblical principles and Malawi’s values by among others forcing government not to bow down to pressure from those calling for the legalization of same sex marriages and safe abortion.

Speaking in an interview, the executive director of Truth on Fire ministry, Rev Nicky Chakwera said they want to instill a sense of understanding that life begins after conception and that God never condone same sex marriages.
Chakwera said it’s wrong and misleading to let people forego the biblical and the country’s values on which Malawi is founded on in the name of human rights.
“If we sit down and watch this, it means that we are not responsible and mindful of the next generation. We need to put this to rest and the time is now. Abortion is killing and there is nothing like safe killing” He said.
Chakwera also accused people who are calling for the removal of laws that criminalize abortion saying they never explain the aftermath of the acts especially the psychological trauma that people go through after they abort.
He said it’s wrong to say that legalizing abortion will help reduce maternal mortality rate and also reduce the number of women dying due to unsafe abortion which currently statistics indicates that 70 thousand die in the country because of the same.
“We can challenge the statistics, let’s focus on dealing with the problems from the root cause not results, research has shown that countries with strict laws on abortion have the lowest mortality rate as compared to those with liberal laws on the same. So let’s search the root problem and deal with it.” He said.
Chakwera also faulted government for the moratorium on laws that criminalize same sex marriages saying it was not procedural.
In a democratic dispensation like Malawi, we don’t suspend laws like that, parliament needs to be involved, but in this case it was never involved” He said
Responding on how his ministry will achieve its goal, Chakwera said they have lined up a number of sensitization activities which they will be doing, the first one being a two day creed conference which is to happen under the theme “Raising the alarm “ on 11 and 12 October 2016 at Sheaffer Conference Centre in Lilongwe.
“We want to see Christians who are ready to evangelize and engage the culture and defend the gospel of Jesus Christ” He said
Among the notable faces lined up to speak during the conference include Dr Zac Kawalala, Rev Patrick Semphere, Professor Moira Chimombo, Dr Beatrice Mwagomba, Mr Makhumbo Munthali and Mr Kizito Kaunjika and the registratioin feeh is K7000 per person which will carter for meals.
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Nowadays, give a guy a new jacket and the first thing he does is open up a Jesus franchise, peddling his half-baked brand of Christianity to those unwilling or unable to read their Bibles for themselves.
I have read everything and i am sad at hearing this coming from somebody called “Man of God”. Get this: You guys choose to be what you claim you are, there is no any democratic way to put you at that position. You are liers, you lie that God has sent you, you fornicate, you steal poor people’s money in the name of tithe, you judge people, something which is to be done by God alone. I mean you are very sinful creatures that are happily eating satan’s wealth in the name of God’s word. If we were to judge… Read more »
Bwana Jack, I guess you are seriously mislead and dogmatic for nothing. Are you pointing a righteous finger at these people or there is something else that went wrong between you and the ministry (together with ministers)? The way you are giving out your vocab shows you are bitter, frustrated, and going low. Fornicators? Are you sure Nicky has fornicated somewhere you really have the evidence? Is he a thief? What is the Malawi Police doing by just letting him escort free? Who is being judged here if you label him a judge? No wonder I see that you are… Read more »
Just another hypocrite!
Tazingodyani chachikhumicho. Za ziii
What a smug, self-satisfied Pharisee – full of hubris, but totally devoid of humanity! He doesn’t want abortions to be carried out under sterile conditions. He prefers the traditional way – inserting a twig into the uterus through the cervix and twisting it around. According to him, this is less likely to result in maternal death. He has the statistics to prove it. No doubt he thinks that maternal death is a suitable punishment for anyone who is so desperate that they would rather risk death than continue an ‘unendurable’ pregnancy. No woman takes such a decision lightly. ‘Unwanted’ is… Read more »
Chakwera’s numbers are wrong. Legal abortion lowers the maternal mortality rate. Here you can find the scientific data:
tazingodyani chachikhumicho. tisanamizane apa
Kodi A Malawi mukufuna chiyani? mukufunanso nafenso malamulo athu asokonekele ndi maganizo aanthu alluminat achizungu ife kuno ku Malawi mchitidwe wa mathanyula ndi wa chilendo pakati pathu ngakhalenso kuchotsa pakati sikwabwino tikanakhala ndi malamulo okhwima sibwenzi imfa za uchembelezi zimene zimadza chifukwa chochotsa pakati kulibe anzathu aku Middle East imfa zotelezi kulibe mwina ndi zochepa chifukwa ali ndi malamulo okhwima. Sanalore maganizo aku west kuti asokoneze chikhalidwe chawo. Ifenso a Malawi tigwirizane tisalore maganizo aanthu aku West kuti tivomele mathanyula ndi safe abortion mukufuna tidzuse mkwiyo wa Mulungu pakati pathu kaya ndikusauka tikhale ndikusauka kwathu