Rights activist pushes for passing of Witchcraft Act in Malawi parliament

A rights activist has told parliamentarians to prioritise the review of the Witchcraft Act to avert more killings of the elderly.

Kaiyatsa: parliament should fast-track the review of the 1911 witchcraft Act 

Center for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) executive director  Michael Kaiyatsa’s call comes as parliament starts meeting this week.

He said parliament should fast-track the review of the 1911 witchcraft Act and commit more resources towards protecting the elderly and people with albinism.

Recently, the country has seen a resurgent of attacks and killings of people with albinism while the elderly have been murdered on grounds that they practice witchcraft.

Kaiyatsa said the recent surge in attacks on people with albinism is an indication of security lapses hence asking parliament to consider allocating more resources towards their protection.

He said parliament should fast-track the review of the 1911 witchcraft Act to make sure that it is aligned with society’s perception on witchcraft.

CHRR boss said the review of the Act can help arrest attacks and killings of the elderly on grounds that they practice witchcraft.

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3 years ago

We must not take this on one side.Witchcraft does exist and by putting a law anyhow it will encourage these people (witchcraft)to practice and kill innocent people.The government must also amend a law that should bar anyone practicing witchcraft.Once found he/she must be sent to jail for life imprisonment.

4 years ago

Malawi in 2021.

4 years ago

don’t be misled, witchcraft exist, ngati pazakhale kukailkira malawian sangomas, govt will be bringing in foreign witch doctors either from other african countries or european countries. osadabwatu., azungu alikoso asing’anga.

3 years ago
Reply to  bentby

witchcraft is there. Don’t be misled by the colonial mentality that there is no witchcraft. If turned into a law, witches will be over the moon and continue killing people

4 years ago

I second this, will save a lot of innocent lives and stop finger pointing of the eldery

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