SESTU set for elective conference
All is set for an Elective Conference by Secondary School Teachers Union (SESTU) from 21st to 22nd August, 2024 at Lilongwe Girls Secondary School.

Delegates from all education districts in all education divisions across the country will come to cast their votes.
The current General Secretary, Druwen Frank Moyo who is being challenged by Christopher Chitsumba and Mthana Dzonzi says the union is ready for this important exercise.
“We are very ready. Different stakeholders will be present. We have invited the Minister of Education, the Minister of Labour, union leaders and many more. There is an independent body that will run everything on this day,” said Moyo.
Chairperson for the electoral committee, Suzgo Mbano, told Nyasa Times that everything is in place to ensure free and fair elections.
Said Mbano:“Contestants are coming from all the divisions and they are registered members of SESTU. I can say the ground is level and we have tried as much as possible to encourage women to contest in different positions. Elections will be done in an open hall and we are sure that they will be free and fair.”
Current president Pilirani Kapolo from Central West Education Division is being challenged by Kingdom Chipaza from South West Education Division.
Judith Kamkwamba from South West Education Division is being challenged by Humphrey Smart Mathewe from Shire Highlands Education Division on the position of Treasurer General.
Druwen Frank Moyo thinks the current executive has done a good job so far on interim basis.
“I think we have done well so far as a mouth piece for all secondary school teachers in the country. SESTU has worked hard to take teachers’ concerns and challenges to different stakeholders. We have challenged bad polices by MANEB and other issues. We also pushed for promotions of secondary schools and many have been promoted now but we need more promotions for some more teachers,” explained Moyo.
Secondary School Teachers Union (SESTU) was registered on 5th August, 2020 and now has over 7,000 members.
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