Southern Region Water Board wants Luchenza dam back

Officials from Southern Region Water Board (SRWB) say water problems at Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Thyolo can only end if Luchenza dam project is revived.

MUST is facing acute shortages of water, threatening lives of thousands of students and workers at the institution.

SRWB officials say they are engaging donors for financial and technical support to revive the Luchenza dam in Thyolo.

This follows the abandonment of the project meant to alleviate water challenges at the Malawi University of Science and Technology-MUST and communities around the institution.

A recent visit by the SRWB Board discovered that the project was abandoned some years ago due to various reasons such as massive land encroachment by the local communities along the Chimvu River.

This is despite the government having already spent millions of kwacha towards the project.

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4 years ago

I thought BWB had made a pipe connection from the Mulanje Mountain-Blantyre pipe line to the campus.

4 years ago

Why not connect MUST to Blantyre Water Board System.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wiza

Good question

4 years ago
Reply to  Wiza

Its because Blantyre water board is mandated to supply water within Blantyre City while southern region water board supplies to districts in the southern region

4 years ago
Reply to  informant

I mean come on the answer is in the name we get it .

But can’t it be just one Water board per region cutting overheads here and there at the same time? Just thinking aloud

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