Sparc Systems M D named best corporate leader

Managing Director for Sparc Systems Limited, Wisely Phiri, has said the *Most Inspiring Male Corporate Leader Award* he recently received is a thrilling and special experience.


Phiri got the award at the just ended Consumer Choice Awards ceremony held in Lilongwe last weekend.

“I’m thrilled to have won this award. It’s great to note that consumers chose me as the most inspiring to them amongst other great leaders in the country.

“I’m humbled and I appreciate the honour and the recognition. This is a special award as it is based on the feedback from the consumers through their votes. I take it as one way of getting feedback from our customers about the services we are offering them and how they value not only Sparc Systems as a company but also me as its leader,” remarked Phiri.

Phiri further revealed that integrity, dedication and perseverance were key aspects behind his personal success and Sparc Systems Limited as a company.

“It hasn’t been easy, but with dedication and perseverance, I have reached where I am today. Also, it’s about learning and unlearning; knowing that the more I know, the more I don’t know as things keep changing very fast especially in the technology sector hence investing more in education not only for me, but also for my team. They say the chain is only strong as its weakest link,” explained Phiri.

Quizzed on why he thinks people voted him, the Polytechnic (now MUBAS) Electrical Engineering alumnus observed that people had to choice based in the way he has the run the company after founding it in 2013 with offices in Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia, operating in ten African countries with over 100 permanent workers across Africa and over 300 temporary workers on the continent.

“Perhaps it’s to do with how I have run Sparc, taking it from a small start-up I created to where we are now, operating across Africa. Most people connect who I am and what I have done and now I am pushing back into the community, supporting them using the resources I get.

“I have also created an education department within Sparc, which has been training several entities and individuals and promoting girls in STEN amongst others,” revealed Phiri who recently obtained a Doctorate of Philosophy in ICT and entrepreneurship.
His message to all aspiring corporate leaders was “just do it.”

“Just do it. You see the world has enough talkers, and we need doers. We need people who have a vision and are eager to take the very first step. We are leaders of today, and let’s go for it and show how it’s supposed to be done,” he said.

Diana Laizer who is Consumer Choice Awards Managing Director said the awards are a catalyst in promoting the growth of companies and businesses. Minister of Trade and Industry, Sosten Gwengwe, hailed the awards.

As former ICT Association of Malawi President, Wisely Phiri introduced ICT Innovation Awards and apart from leading Sparc Systems Limited, he also serves as president of the board of the Malawi Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) and president of Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) Alumni Association.

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