Take mining seriously to turn economic fortunes of Malawi

In his State of the Nation address in parliament on 4 September, President Dr Lazarus Chakwera refused to accept that Malawi is poor. He lamented that Malawi exports US$85 million in gold to the Middle East every year and has also other resources that are tripped by syndicates of people in the public sector who exploit decades of bad government policies and practices to enrich themselves and their private sector accomplices.”

Minister of Mining Rashid Gaffar inspects a mine in Phalombe

Chakwera could not state who is exporting the gold or it is mined.  That aside, Chakwera and Tonse Alliance government need  to state clearly their position regarding mining. Will government just sit back and watch foreign investors export our minerals illegally? What measures has / will government put in place to ensure that minerals benefit the country and communities where mining activities are taking place.

The mining sector can turn the economic fortunes of the country if government can take it seriously.  It can promote economic development, reduce unemployment, reduce poverty, boost foreign exchange reserves and reduce dependence on donors.

Malawi has several important and precious minerals such as Diamond (Rumphi), Coal (Rumphi, Mzimba, Karonga), Gold (Lilongwe, Mzimba), Uranium (Karonga, Mzimba), Granite (Mchinji) and Bauxite (Mulanje). Unfortunately, no one seems to care about the mineral wealth. The sector is at the mercy of foreign investors who have plundered the mineral resources with the help of greedy and unpatriotic Malawians.

Some foreign investors have been exporting minerals illegally under the guise of sending samples for many years without being controlled.  As if this is not enough damage to the economy, illegal mining is taking place everywhere in the country and foreign companies keep on stealing minerals under the watch of the government.  For example, there are reports that some Chinese nationals are extracting huge minerals in Halahaunda, Mzimba district using someone’s licence. Whether foreign exchange is remitted to Malawi after the sale of minerals is something that government should establish.

The Tonse Alliance government should quickly move in and take stock of the mining activities of all foreign companies in Malawi and scrutinise their license conditions and put in place stringent measures to stop illegal mining and externalisation of minerals. Apparently Minister of Mining Rashid Gaffar has not said anything about his plans or government’s plan in mining. He is the only minister so far who has not been active.

Expectations are high that Chakwera’s speech will be translated into action. Malawians want to see an end to the impunity of foreign investors stealing minerals. Government can no longer be a spectator in the mining sector nor leave it to foreign investors, many of whom are crooks, to dictate the terms. The issue should also not be left in the hands of the communities to agree on mining terms with foreign investors. The contracts are too complex for the ordinary people to understand.  Foreign investors have reneged on their corporate social responsibility obligations. This is why government should take a leading role in the sector to avoid ordinary being exploited.

Botswana offers the best model of how to handle the mining sector. Through the parastatal company Debswana, the government has a 50-50 joint partnership with De Beers of South Africa. This is a win-win situation. Government should establish a state owned company that should enter into joint venture with foreign investors to a win-win situation.  It is in the interest of Malawians to see government investing in the mining sector and not to leave everything to the private sector.

At the official opening of the first National Development Conference last month, President Chakwera rightly noted that “If we want a new Malawi, we must accept that it is we who must build it with our own resources”. The question is: does president Chakwera and Alliance government have the resolve to develop the mining sector for the benefit of all Malawians?

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Taonga 469
Taonga 469
4 years ago


Taonga 469
Taonga 469
4 years ago

So Mr. Kennedy Rashid you have thought of using Nyasatimes just to frustrate the investors…we can see your hands and your boys and girls all over this article…

Muchira Mr Kennedy Rashid…Ife nde we are still making money..

4 years ago

Talk talk and more talk. Meantime China, aided by our very own senior people up their, are fleecing the country and appeasing us with so-called aid in the process.. And it’s not only minerals. These people steal anything; pangolins, elephant tusks/rhino horns and even hardwood. It’s time for action now that thieves are out.

Mwini muzi
4 years ago

Firstly, do we have a mining charter? Secondly, do we a chamber of mines? If the answer is no, these two are points of departure through which all mining policies such as: sustainable development and social responsibility, safety, ownership equity, environmental policy etc can be incorporated. I don’t think the author’s opinion of forming a state company will add value rather than to be exploited politicians. The same strategy flopped in Zambia.Let an investor be guided by the charter and government to benefit from taxes, royalties and social responsibility.

J G Simpsons
J G Simpsons
4 years ago

Our President has Already Accepted that Malawi is a Poor Country. That’s way he is begging IMF and World Bank and other International Financial Institution for waiver of Debts and Loans for Malawi as it is the Poorest Country in the World

Malawians are them selves greedy to promote foreign Investors Minning Sector needs huge investments in which Malawians Cannot invest so Malawi will always Need Foreign Investors in Minning Sector

4 years ago

Mmene ayimila anthu pa photo imeneyi akuchita kuwonekeratu kuti sakudziwa china chilichonse chokhudzana ndi mining.

4 years ago

True, very true!

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