Teacher misses after sex abuse with schoolgirl allegations
A primary school teacher in Chikhwawa is missing after an allegation that he slept the whole night with a Standards six learner, an allegation that has irked the girl’s parents and some NGOs.

Primary Education Advisor for Kalambo Zone, Elias Nkhuku confirned the incident.
Nkhuku said the teacher, Brian Kaucha has not reported for duties at his school since March 15 when he appeared before officials of Parents, Teacher Association and some selected members of staff who were tasked to look into the issue.
“The father of the girl found out the matter after the girl’s sister said the girl did not sleep in the house. After pressing her and beating her, the girl said he slept in the house of the teacher,” said Nkhuku.
Nkhuku said the teacher confirmed that he slept with the girl the whole night, saying she was her girl friend and he was planning to marry her.
However, Cecelia Banda of Malawi Red Cross in Chikhwawa said the teacher deserves stiff punishment.
“The girl is very young. Teachers are supposed to protect learners not molesting them,” said Banda.
The whereabouts of the teacher are not yet known but it is believed he is running away from justice.
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Sir kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk wautali basi kuiyamba yoneco eshiiiiiii
Eeeesh! yalakwa Std 6 is a minor no matter zinatheka kuchipindako, komabe mmmmm. Pali aphunzitsi achitsiakana ambiri m’masukulumu, osawafunsira amenewo bwanji n’kuwakwatira. Mpaka mwana wa Std 6 abale? Propose to your fellow teachers fresh from college and marry them NOT our young primary/ secondary school girls. Leave girls alone