Teras trashes people trying to discredit Malawi’s wonder therapeutic juice

Teras Health Care, manufacturers of Teras Juice — Malawi’s concoction of fruits and vegetables that therapeutically that reportedly heals every body ailment, says there are many people trying to copy their product that was duly certified by the country’s Medicine & Poisons Board.

Teras herbal juice founder Shalice Amos hoilding the bottle of the product

And what is disheartening and disappointing, Teras Health Care says, the imitators are trying to discredit their product by posting on social media what is purpotedly said to be the ingredients and recipe for Teras Juice.

“The people who are trying to discredit our product are doing so just out of malice which we Malawians are good at doing,” said Teras Health Care Marketing & Communication Director Ronald Amos.

“If they believe  they have discovered the secret to our recipe, why are they not making it themselves and start selling it?  Why are they just distributing it on social media free of charge? Before 2014, there wasn’t any juice claiming to heal all types of diseases but after Teras came on the market, hundreds of juices claiming to work just like Teras emerged.

“I could name them here but let it be a topic for another day. However,  we are working towards tracking down the people discrediting our product. But suffice to say, this recipe is far from Teras.  Let anyone try and come back here to report if what will be made will be anything close to Teras.

“Crushing cabbage, onion, ginger and all as indicated on the list of ingredients and cover them for three days can a person put the liquid from this mixture close to  their nose? And has it been approved by the Medicine & Poisons Board?

“It is illegal to directly attack other people’s business which took a lot of effort and zeal to build.  Let people try that recipe and they will come back to Teras Herbal Juice,” Amos said.

The decampaign message that is circulating on social media says: “Don’t waste your money buying Teras Juice –Here is how you can make fermented  vegetable  juice so called Teras” and signed off as just Robert.

Teras Juice is fast selling in Malawi and evidence of its wonders is aplenty.

Amos said Teras Juice is also on demand in South Africa where they have a sales agent and plans are in the final stages to open a shop in that country.

“We have all the confidence in our product and we also ask the public to go for Teras Juice because it does heal every body ailment,”

“There are some unscrupulous people who are marketing their products by saying their products work like Teras Juice, what we are saying is that nothing can compare to Teras, which was duly certified by the country’s Medicine & Poisons Board and was categorised as a food supplement.

“That’s why we only sell our product in our own shops for authentication to avoid other people from imitating. We came up with our own prescription which is given to customers that patronise our special shops,” Amos said.

The product sells at K10,000 each and should be consumed one bottle a month for not less than seven months.

Amos said those interested to know more can contact them through the phone numbers 265 0999 229 574, 0881 752 165, 0999 925 213 or through their email [email protected]. Their website iswww.terasmw.com.

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7 years ago

They are just stealing from poor pipo My father inlaw used almost 4 bottles but he still have problems musiye kunamiza anthu. Ndinu mbava ndakwiya nanu

7 years ago

a Terus angofuna kubera anthu basi … pomwe anayambira paja ,, anachirapo cancer or HIV illnesses because of that food supplement ndi ndani ? siyani kubera anthu mungakapse nazo kumwamba

7 years ago

By the way, did the medicines and poisons board register it as a Medicinal drug or Nutrient supplement just like any other multivitamins? By the way to date there is no drug that can clearly claim to treat all kind of diseases.

7 years ago

I have taken witness several who belie ed the lies from teras throwing their medication and concentrated on teras. They died. Teras is just another juice. Period. Stop making those wild claims. Stop being greedy. Stop ripping off Malawians.

Esnarth Yaluwera
Esnarth Yaluwera
7 years ago

The recipe shared may not be equal to Teras however it makes a good fermented vegetable juice for home use abd very nutritious. I tried the recipe it is good veggie juice. Teras is like any other veggie juice. Get to the internet and get the many veggie juice recipes and use blender you will get the very best. Its DIY and indeed dont waste money when you can buy all the ingredients on your own.

7 years ago

Ever heard about snake-oil? much better than Tera and you can make it for free.

7 years ago

I hate hearing these lies that Teras or whatever name you give to these nutritional products which are out there, that they heal every disease. Every disease??? Really?? I have seen a number of people who have taken Terus who did not get cured from their ailments.

If indeed this juice can cure every disease, don’t you think big pharmaceutical industries would not have come in to possibly buy out the formula and the production rights from the local owners at a million dollar, life changing price?

Please stop ripping off poor, desperate Malawians.

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