Tonse MPs to move to govt benches in Parliament: DPP to provide opposition leader, MCP ruling party
Malawi Congress Party (MCP) members of Parliament (MPs) will on Monday relocate to the government benches in the National Assembly as the governing party following the election of its leader Rev Dr Lazarus Chakwera as State President while the erstwhile ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and its bedfellow United Democratic Front (UDF) will occupy the opposition benches.

The 55 MPs from MCP will be joined in the government benches by five from People’s Party (PP), four from UTM and one from Alliance for Democracy (Aford) including a some independents that cut ties with DPP are likely to switch their allegiance towards the incoming administration.
Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara confirmed the new arrangement following the shift of power.
Said Gotani Hara on the new development: “Yes, it is true that MCPMPs will sit on the government side. So, as it stands, DPP MPs will now sit on opposition benches.”
The Speaker also disclosed that MCP will provide the Leader of the House post from its front bench of Cabinet ministers.
While DPP will have to appoint a leader of the opposition.
Initially, during the May 21 2019 parliamentary election, the DPP won 62 seats but after the High Court determinations that nullified three of them—Phalombe North East, Mangochi West and Mangochi North East—due to irregularities, the number of legislators dropped to 59.
During the first post-independence multiparty general elections in 1994, the Alliance for Democracy (Aford) scooped all seats in the Northern Region and some in the Central Region. However, Aford’s numbers in Parliament started to dwindle after the then party leader, the late Chakufwa Chihana, entered into an alliance with the then governing UDF. Currently, Aford has only one MP in Parliament – Yeremiah Chihana.
UDF came to power in 1994 after defeating MCP in 1994. It swept seats in the Southern Region and most seats in the Central Region.
During the 1999 elections, UDF won 91 seats, but the figures continued to drop in the subsequent elections when it won 49 seats in 2004 and 16 in 2009. Now UDF has 10 MPs.
Now DPP as main opposition party will play a role in criticising government policy for example in reply to Ministerial statements and debates on legislation.
Parliament is expected to reconvene on Monday for the plenary session after a week-long cluster meeting break where the members analysed the K2 trillion budget, which Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development Joseph Mwananvekha presented on June 12 2020.
The House was supposed to pass the budget by June 30, the end of the government fiscal year.
Malawi went to the polls on Tuesday following nullification of the May 2019 presidential election, which was marred by irregularities.
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God is great and HE is in control of Malawi politics.God can humble anyone.Dpp has humbled,who said that the ruling party can not lose,here the ruling party has lost.Amawina akabera. We have been saying that family alliance will lose with a big margin her it has happened.
Kambilanani msanga za feteleza kunja kwacha uku.
Let me request all DPP and UDF MPS not discuss anytthing in Parliament until a report on those who were attacked in Dowa and Abducted is made and that all culprit are brought to book. These people claimed they will not shield anybody
hahahahahaha so tisakambilane za budget until that silly report?……..nkhani ili m’manja mwa police baba
My advice! Let our leaders be secured. You can’t trust how secured are cars and houses used by DPP. Houses and Cars to be used by DPP should be swept, please and may our good Lord protect them all.
After all how many MPs does UTM have. What is the substance. But my fellow Malawians as I was moving around Lilongwe city urban and rural, I have seen numerous gule wamkulu ‘Nyau’ this week. Surpriseingly to me as they pass people are changing, Boma! Boma!. Why? Am surprised.
Ndiye vuto lako ndi chani,pitani kapumeni,musatisokosepo apa, ati as I was passing Lilowngwe urban, where were you going Satana? Kikkkkk ati ndimangodutsadutsa mu urban! Kikkkkkk wamuona Mtumiki amene ndamusankha kuti alamulile dziko? Satana aaaa bwanji ndamuona,, makangano azamoyo ndi zopanda moyo. Zipitani ku Ndata.
Zofuna. Kuba. Anthu kuyesa kukulangizani koma kukhala agonthi. A warning to chakwera. Repeat the same mistakes of dpp you will see the same people dancing for you today booing you like your predecessor. Kumanvera zodandaula za anthu. Arrogance will see you out sooner. Secondly amwene who are chiefs of corruption please avoid them. This country is for black people These indians will bring shame to your leadership. There are so evil. Stay away from them or they will embarrass you like the K145million saga. Don’t let them come near your leadership. Amwenye ndi oyipa. Lastly. Develop this country without looking… Read more »
amwenye sanakavote anta. koma amati ndi a malawi. zodabwitsa. kapena anakavotela dpp mumabalot box ajawawo A5 ocongaconga.
Khato has issues in SA. Please do not give him deals. Look up his cases
Forward march! Left right, left right, left right! About turn…!
The first will be last, and the last will be first…
Nyekhwe! Akumva Pheeeeniii neba
In life things happen…